cultural theories of disease causation in nigeria

Epidemiological triad includes Environment, Agent & host. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders. In addition to their physical inaccessibility, biomedical health services are often unaffordable. As part of this endeavor, we will describe in this paper seven common Filipino cultural beliefs: namamana, lihi, sumpa, gaba, pasma, namaligno, and kaloob ng Diyos. Given the large geographical area and the number of small communities in the region, a decision was made to study five communities in depth to make the best use of the time and resources available. 9 Natural history of disease epidemiological triad, Concept of Disease Control |, 2. unit no iii dynamic of disease, Community Health Nursing, Concept of disease. Traditional healing and primary care: a socio-cultural study in a rural Tehuledere community, North-Eastern Ethiopia. BMC Public Health 17, 124 (2017). A belief of disease causation where it is thought illness is caused by misbehavior or intervention of a supernatural being. Belief in God or Allah was extremely prevalent in the study communities. He has published more than 15 research articles and book chapters in international journals and well-renowned publishers. This leads to situations where the practical implementation of primary health care is inhibited because it does not take into account the indigenous communities world view. Tehuledere was selected for the study because of the rich and unique indigenous medicinal beliefs, and practices in the area. The characteristics of people who share a common and distinctive racial, national, religious, linguistic, or cultural heritage. This theme does not appear in Murdocks model. PubMed The sample was diverse in terms of age and sex and agro-ecological condition of the setting. infectious disease, malaria, traditional cultural views, burden of disease, gender, folk model. We've encountered a problem, please try again. Map of Tehuledere Woreda, South Wollo Zone, Amhara Regional State, North-eastern Ethiopia, 2014 [15]. Health was attributed by study participants to the will of God/Allah Who sends Melayka (the guardian angel) into peoples homes: Many thanks to Allah! Data obtained from our study indicated that the role of social prohibitions and the consequences of their violation were a key factor causing health problems in Tehuledere. Homosexual Mathematician Who Rescued the World Still Died In Disgrace: The Br Configuration of audiogram_de6f98ffd3d657e86d774387bbfaf319.pdf, Science-What-do-plants-need-to-grow-PowerPoint.pptx, Associative_Memory_Neural_Networks_pptx.pptx, No public clipboards found for this slide, Enjoy access to millions of presentations, documents, ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more. We found that the causes of ill-health were constructed and negotiated within the socio-cultural context of the study communities. Pre-modern era theories of Disease causation: Religions often attributed disease outbreaks or other misfortunes to divine retribution - punishment for mankind's sins. A qualitative ethnographic method was conducted in Tehuledere Woreda, an administrative unit in the north-east of Ethiopia [14] (see Fig. For the followers of indigenous faith, ones health status is not balanced without the nature-spirit connection. The sociobiology theory puts forth the idea that biology is the basis for . Theories of Disease causation Due to restrictions set by the Addis Ababa University, College of Health Science Institutional Review Board, data are available upon request by contacting the corresponding author. We would like to thank the study participants and Tehuledere Woreda Health Bereau staff, as well as our research assistants for their great support to facilitate the data collection of study. Disease etiologies in non-western medical systems. Springer Nature. In: Fox JP, Hall CE, Elveback LR, editors. Ethiop J Health Dev. Germ theory emerged in the 19th Century, but it built on two notions that had earlier incarnations. In our tradition people believe in qolle spirits (the spirit of individuals) is a guardian from illness and cause of illness. L. W. Feezer. This . Nurse Educ Today. All seek to elucidate principles capable of explaining social inequalities in health, and all represent what I would term theories of disease distribution,24which presume but cannot be reduced to mechanism-oriented theories of disease causation. It held that diseases such ascholera,chlamydia infection, or theBlack Deathwere caused by amiasma, a noxious form of bad air emanating from rotting organic matter. Felipe-Dimog EB, Tumulak MJR, Laurino MY, Daack-Hirsch S, Silao CLT, Conaco MCG, Padilla CD, Estacio LR Jr. J Community Genet. He died from Parkinson's disease in 2014, aged 85. . The germ theory of disease came to the forefront, supplanting the earlier theories of disease causation. Principal Scientist & Act. Kahissay, M., Fenta, T. & Boon, H. Beliefs and perception of ill-health causation: a socio-cultural qualitative study in rural North-Eastern Ethiopia. 1983;17(16):120511. Initially Neolithic (New Stone Age), the Nok culture made the transition to the Iron Age. Then we stay healthy [Female, Study Community # 4]. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Head of Epidemiology Division, Indian Veterinary Research Institute. The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). We consider people who travel at this wrong time bad, harmful, killers and thieves or people into something tricky. Theory of illness causation is an important issue in all biomedical sciences, and solid etiological explanations are needed in order to develop therapeutic approaches in medicine and preventive interventions in public health. In 1877, Robert Koch (1843-1910) showed that anthrax was caused by a bacteria. [Female, Study Community # 3]. Careers. Wadaja lately assumed a much more modified and purposive role of combating the zar, buda or other supposedly spirit afflicted illnesses [Male, Study Community # 2]. The people in this area are members of the Amhara ethnic group and are largely Muslims. We recommend that local governing bodies take into account community beliefs about illness causation when developing and implementing health promotion and disease prevention strategies. Only single germ is responsible for causation of a specific disease. PubMedGoogle Scholar. Germ theory was the third disease causation theory with a characteristic marking of the onset of infectious diseases conquest. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co.; 1970. p. 31527. However, the germ theory of disease has many limitations. They were very similar to the focus group participants in their demographic characteristics. In 1890 Robert Koch proposed specific criteria that should be met before concluding that a disease was caused by a particular bacterium. Thousand Oaks: Sage; 2007. Itis a particular abnormal, pathological condition that affects part or all of an organism. Nature of qualitative evidence. 1983. p. 155. Would you like email updates of new search results? A more interesting finding was that they also articulated how important social relationships are in maintaining good health. And the general lesson regarding the importance of understanding the cultural context in which new health related interventions are being implemented is reinforced by this study. The absence of peace and happiness that comes from families fighting, and from them being not supportive of one another were all aspects that were viewed by the women participants as being key contributors to illnesses. Unusual causes of emergence of antimicrobial drug resistance, Effect of the Gayatri Mantra Playing on Microbial Load in Room Air. Disobeying elders causes ailment. We will also share examples on how these common beliefs provide explanation as cause of illness and its implications in our genetic counseling profession. Epub 2021 Nov 26. Social, economic and biological factors interact to drive a vicious cycle of poverty and disease from which, for many people, there is no escape." In short, poverty is instrumental in cultivating conditions that allow disease to spread. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Participants in most focus groups maintained that trust in ones married partner determines ones health. NCI CPTC Antibody Characterization Program. It is not publicly known how much CIA staff who have . Helman (1990) presentation of lay theories of illness causation identified four sites; individual patient, the natural This study highlights the importance of respecting beliefs related to the supernatural causes of illness and acknowledging relevant rituals where possible into biomedical health care settings. Cultural theories of crime provide distinct frameworks to understand the influence of human agency, social forces, and peers on behavior. Almost all the focus group participants identified better food production as a contributor to health: We keep healthy when we produce enough food and have work to do. Privacy Some live healthy from their childhood without [enough] food or health care. The first is the monocausal view and emerges from the "conquest" of the infectious diseases. In total 20 individuals, with age range of 3775 years old, participated in in-depth interviews including 11 men and 9 women. Respecting autonomous decision making among Filipinos: a re-emphasis in genetic counseling. Ann N Y Acad Sci. Looks like youve clipped this slide to already. Negative correlation is when an increase in A leads to a decrease in B or vice versa. These discoveries and a host of others at the turn of the century marked a turning point in our aetiological concepts. Before 2015;12:140421. The child becomes stunted due to his inability to have a linear growth. TeleFax +91-581-2302188. 2016 Nov;46:121-126. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2016.09.001. Oxford: Clarendon; 1964. A high level of its acceptance was responsible for the progress in fathoming the nature of diseases leading to a significant decline in the proliferation of diseases. Meadows LM, Morse JM. Soc Sci Med. The focus groups lasted 1.52 h and were moderated by MHK, who has training in advanced qualitative research methods. Many become sick from the filth on the sharp equipment [Male, Study Community # 4]. Murdock G. Theory of illness. Several theories were advanced from time to time to explain disease causation such as the supernatural theory of disease, the theory of humors by Greeks and Indians, the theory of contagion, the miasmatic theory which attributed disease to noxious air and vapours, the theory of spontaneous generation, etc. Witchcraft Beliefs In Diseases Causation And Health - Seeking Behaviour In Pregnancy Of Women In Calabar South - Nigeria. Similarly, a theoretical approach initially used to frame and subsequently to interpret the data from this study allowed for a more thorough explanation of beliefs and perceptions of illness causation. Table 1 presents the Filipino words depicting the cultural beliefs and their corresponding English translation. Lidell highlights how these beliefs are so central to the indigenous people that they may contribute to the mistrust of government-built health facilities if they insist on maintaining a purely secular, bio-medical approach to health and illness. Permission to conduct the participant observation in the communities was provided by the heads of the health facilities. Germs cause disease. Personalistic Causes We also found acts in violation of social taboos or moral injunction were thought to cause illness directly rather than through the mediation of a supernatural being. 1). By whitelisting SlideShare on your ad-blocker, you are supporting our community of content creators. Bareilly, UP, India. Table 1 Filipino word/s depicting cultural beliefs and their English translation Full size table Triangulation of different data collection techniques including focus group, semi-structured interview data, observations and informal interviews with study participants was a strength of the study. New York: Wiley; 1978. Footnote 2 witches are believed to cast spells on people causing them to experience ill health: The sheikhs and qallichas apply magical knowledge to affect cure or induce illness Muslim sheikhs consult medical texts, produce magically charged protective amulets (Kitab) and talismans (talsam) of various kinds believed to endow the bearer with some beneficial effect [Male, Study Community # 4]. Qualitative content analysis was used. American journal of public health (New York, N.Y. : 1912),11(10), 908912. Unit 10: Causation z ti f Ci t i lCriteria for causality Association vs. Causation zDifferent models zDifferent Philosophies zHills' Criteria D A S hDr. Ogbogu PU, Noroski LM, Arcoleo K, Reese BD Jr, Apter AJ. Issues identified with administration and bureaucratic frameworks dont fit well with indigenous ill-health beliefs. In: Nichter M, editor. Medical anthropology. According to this theory, the human body contains blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile. Epidemiological characterisation of Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) from c Major flaws in Animal Disease Control Leading to Partial Success or Failure.pptx, Animal Disease Control Programs in India.ppt, Control and Eradication of Animal diseases.pptx, Vaccines in India- Problems and solutions.pptx, Conventional and non conventional antibiotic alternatives. BEINGS Model of disease causation includes Spiritual factors , Social factors & Nutritional factors. Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar-243122, In 2014, communicable diseases including malaria, lung infections, diarrheal, intestinal parasites, eye infections, skin disease, and rheumatism were the major public health problems in the area [15]. Or if A decreases, B correspondingly decreases. Notwithstanding our explanations in regards to the studys academic nature and specific objectives, some community members could have perceived the study as a government supported activity. Health education and care solutions found to be effective in one system may not work as well in other settings [32]; however, some of the lessons learned from this study may be applicable to other cultural contexts with similar beliefs. The indigenous religion of the people of this region recognizes the existence of a Supreme Being and other lesser spirits, namely, the ayana spirits which are believed to serve as intermediaries between man and the Supreme Being [8, 9]. Click here to review the details. There are 23 Kebeles (the smallest local administrative unit) administered by the Woreda, including 19 rural, 2 urban and 2 semi-urban towns. Therefore, the explanatory model of illness causation in this community was very similar to that of the Murdock model with one key difference: social elements need to be added to the model. The discoveries of Pasteur and Koch confirmed the germ theory of disease. Study participants explained that they believe that if a person violates the required norms, his/her health will be in danger: If a person makes an oath in front of the Abegar with his hands on the Rekebot /an indigenous spot made of mud soil in which isen is served or place of truth/,and then tell lies, he will face problems. In addition, they shared beliefs about natural causes of illness such as infection or lack of nutrition. Fracastoro's contagion theory of disease (1546) Germ theory: Louis Pasteur , Lister and others introduced the germ theory in 1878. The culture of a people is their identity as it affords them due recognition. Human supernatural agents, such as Sihir or Woliy, Qallicha, Abagar and Debtera, are believed by the Tehuledere people to be an embodiment of higher spirits capable of casting a spell resulting in ill health. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Prev Chronic Dis. The outlook regarding disease causation haschanged considerably with time and advancements in science. 2015 Apr;24(2):213-24. doi: 10.1007/s10897-015-9823-y. 4th ed. The dominant frameworks argue that culture is a set of values, beliefs, and actions that are learned through interactions with others. PMC An example cited in most of the focus groups was that of disrespecting elders, Abegar or Sheikh and a link to how that causes illnesses: If people anger the Abegar or sheik, they get hurt by the ones they offended. The investigators consulted the Woreda health extension workers (primary health care practitioners) on the selection of study communities. Enjoy access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more from Scribd. Erickson fills this gap by clearly explaining the basic organizing principles that underlie all medical systems, the full range of theories of disease causation, the geographical distribution of medical practices, and the historical trends that led to biomedical dominance. Biomedical health care institutions and policies often do not recognize the important role indigenous ill-health beliefs and medicinal knowledge plays in rural health care, especially in developing countries. Of the 54 accidental deaths, 31 (57%) were caused by RTAs. An official website of the United States government. Sociobiology Theory of Cultural Analysis. Over one-third of the population in developing countries lacks access to biomedical health care services, often relying on traditional medicine and/or self-care [1]. As noted in other studies, effective primary care requires that all health care providers and policy makers take culture and traditional into account [20]. Cite this article. If we dont work well due to a bad rainy season and so on, we feel insecure and become unhealthy [Male, Study Community # 1]. Other studies suggest that different societies give varying degrees of importance to theories of natural compared to supernatural causes of illness [1113]. Culturally-based attitudes about seeking treatment and trusting traditional medicines and folk remedies are rooted in core belief systems about illness causation, i.e., naturalistic, Ayurvedic, biomedical, etc. Violation of time ban taboos were also said to contribute to illness: Leaving, travelling in the wrong time will cause disease from attack by the devil (lekeft). . 2022 Oct 14;19(20):13217. doi: 10.3390/ijerph192013217. Thousand Oaks: Sage; 2001. p. 187200. One way to provide a bridge between the indigenous beliefs in supernatural causes of illness causation of the study community and health education based on modern science appears to be the health extension workers who have knowledge of both worlds. Spirit Mediumship and society in Africa. These two ideas were fully appreciated . This dichotomy was a key sensitizing concept that guided the design of this study. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. If God wants you to live healthy, then you live healthy [Female, Study Community # 1]. Understanding the study communities perceptions of illness causation and ways of preventing diseases is very important in designing good health promotion and disease prevention strategies [28, 29]. In other words, the spirits supposedly reside in some human beings and rituals and/or prayers need to be performed to withdraw the evil spirits impacting ordinary people through these human agents. J Racial Ethn Health Disparities. Beliefs on the causes of birth defects as perceived by mothers of children with birth defects in a tertiary care hospital in the Philippines. In Ethiopia, people use indigenous medical systems as an alternative health care service along with the biomedical health services [1, 6]. Part of 93 0 obj <>stream Mishra SI, Hess J, Luce PH. However, others acknowledge that indigenous medicine should be embraced as an important part of health care systems in indigenous communities [35]. Some believe that the soul goes out from the body and wanders, a phenomenon known as Bangungot, or that having nightmares after a heavy meal may result in death. A Seminar Work Presented to the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Calabar. Even when a pathogen is the principal cause of a disease, environmental and hereditary factors often influence the severity of the disease, and whether a potential host individual becomes infected when exposed to the pathogen. Ethnicity pertains to: geographic origins, fam patterns, lang., cultural norms, religion, literature, music, gender roles, etc Racism The belief that some races are superior to others by nature Ethnocentrism Google Scholar. Google Scholar. Infections were also identified as a common cause of illnesses: The use of non-sterilized sharp things for removing a childs milk teeth and female circumcision is consequential., DOI: The relevance of traditional medicinal cultures to modern primary health care. Parks textbook of preventive and social medicine. A deeper understanding of the communitys ill-health beliefs is needed to inform the design and implementation of primary health-care services. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. 2005;60:50113. They speak Amharic, Ethiopias official language. 2005;60:691700. Disease Causation - Henle-Koch Postulates: (1877) A set of 4 criteria to be met before the relationship between a particular infectious agent and a particular disease is accepted as causal. I saw it happen as a child. Mesfin H. Kahissay. [Female, Study Community # 5]. Similar to Murdock, a key category of causes of ill-health was the supernatural described by members of the study community as forces capable of putting spells on human beings. Theories of illness causation derive from the underlying cognitive orientation of a cultural group, and therapeutic practice usually follows the same cultural logic. Pasteur, Henle, Koch were the strong proponents of microbial theory after they discovered the micro-organisms in the patients secretions or excretions. The connection between ill-health and lying needs further exploration for indigenous groups like this. Such infections, according to the theory, were not passed between individuals but would affect those within a locale that gave rise to such vapors. When Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch discovered and developed what would later be called the germ theory in the 1860s, this was a radical, then revolutionary ideaone so good . In-depth understanding of disease causation aids in planningprevention and steps to tackle the disease in a population. Participatory observation, over a total of 5months during the span of one year, was supplemented by focus group discussions (n=96 participants in 10 groups) and in-depth interviews (n=20) conducted with key informants. Cruz JP, Estacio JC, Bagtang CE, Colet PC. Anthropological approaches to the study of ethnomedicine. First, germ theory separated the disease from the person suffering from the disease. While nationalistic disease theories explain disease in . commun.). Exploring the rigging claims in Nigeria's . For example, if someone violated the trust of a significant other or another member of the community, they believed the consequence would be illnesses. The views presented in the article are of the authors and do not necessarily express the views of the funding organization. This broad category includes five distinct types of natural causes of illness: infection, stress, organic deterioration, accident, and overt human aggression. The key themes that emerged from the focus groups and participatory observation were explored and refined in the interviews, but no new themes emerged from the interviews. Governing bodies take into account community beliefs about natural causes of birth defects a. ( see Fig lying needs further exploration for indigenous groups like this fit well with indigenous ill-health is! Or cultural heritage, editors JC, Bagtang CE, Elveback LR,.... 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