mold lawsuit settlements amounts california

After going from doctor to doctor and being told it was in my head as lymph nodes were growing the size of lemons in my neck, armpits and groin, losing my hair, and multiple other symptoms I was becoming very frustrated. What can I doI want out of here, but there is no rental vouchers so I can have rental assistance. I continued to contact the landlord and they did nothing.. She knowingly let us move into the home as many others knowing the house had this problem and for a fact i know this because they actually lived in the house we were the first to rent this house upon them moving out which she admitted to us upon renting that there daughter was very sick with allergies and they only wanted to sign a years lease in case moving didnt make her better and they wanted to move back. Finally, several million-dollar-plus verdicts and settlements demonstrate that mold claims continue to be a serious issue for property owners, landlords, employers, and those who insure them. The Service Master tech told me I needed to get out of the house. The sales associate told me not to waste my money that they provide a full home inspection from the village of Lynwood. This is my last effort to try and fime somebody who can help us because it seems as if every door we come to it shut in her face and there is no help or justice for right anymore. BS!!! The house is over 100 years old. Maintenance guy came in and said hes done all he can do so hes just calling corporate. Co. came in, said I couldnt collect, water came from the ground and left. He owns mcmillen properties. We had asbestos testing of the drywall in that area done first and have provided them with the results that indicate there is no asbestos. California law requires landlords to provide tenants with a written disclosure, prior to signing a rental agreement, when they know, or have reason to know, that mold exceeds permissible exposure limits or poses a health threat. Ive been living in HUD apartment for over a year now, Ive complained to the apartments numerous of times about the mold. Since the bathroom at tile floor and tile surrounding the tub they didnt do anything but replace drywall and paint. I contacted the property manager to ask for When I returned I went to the office to ask about the results, but no one knew anything about it. To include usually spraying KILLZ over it, just to hurry and list the house, not caring about my health, my contractors health or any future occupants or visitors. would anyone no if same laws apply in canada regarding mold, Please help Im at my wits end Ive rented a building for going on 19 years my previous landlord has died about 7 or so years ago now his daughter runs their realty businesss there is black mold galore Im now having a health issue every other month I get an awful cough with a runny nose chest pain scratchy throat runny eyes fatigue and aches and pains back soreness dizziness and tingle feelings hands and feet there is one bathroom I have keep a door closed for about 5-6 years it is the most awful sight you will ever see the other bathroom we try and keep clean but the ceiling is so deplorable she is truly gone Devils Advocate I cannot get her go repair anything the roof was flat until 2 years ago she finally had to put a roof over the original roof due to severe leaks I own a grooming shop at this address I have been in this business for 39 years Iam do scared of losing my business it is my Livelihood I have addressed this with this person for years to no avail she had threatened me to the point Iam hopeless for example she had said if I call the health department it wouldnt matter to her because if they condemned the building she would make just as much money by plowing it down and selling the lot !!???? A homeowner in California was awarded $18 million against Allstate Insurance because of their refusal to approve claims for mold damage. Our bathroom would be completely back if we didnt clean it with bleach every other day. If you would like more information on any of the subjects mentioned in this update, or our practice in general, please feel free to contact us. I did have to go to the er for my asthma. no reimbsmnt for anything. He is refusing to pay for an air quality test. For example, my bathroom floor literally had a hole in front of the toilet where you could see the dirt under the house. Ive been here 5 years. They also told us that if it comes back we will actual test it. I have suffered health consequences and did not know that mold was the source. My walls in the kitchen, living room, and bathroom are covered in black mold. I had no knowledge concerning mold, was never told to wear a mask or anything. The last 3 of the 4 years have deteriorated my health. I had the health department come by and inspect the home. He said he would replace the vanity which had the most damage. I did not move out but withheld rent, and because I became extremely ill so that I could no longer be exposed to the mold, I went to stay at my parents house until There was something done at the home where I had all my property and was leasing. MoldBlogger has several articles regarding anti-fungal diets and other remedies. .). My own research and the fact that Im a Scientist helped me uncover the cause of my illness. We have been exposed to black mold for months now and my roommates do not give on crap. so ive told them about the problem and sais they would fix it..never did..i called and email them and nothing just ignored me..the leaking got worse and mold was growing next thing you know the half of the ceiling fell apart so i have bags to cover itits been 3 months like that..I stop paying rent and now they charging me, im not going to pay because they still havent fix it..and i have 3 children. I lost almost everything that Ive worked my entire life for and that my girlfriend has worked her entire life for and in this rough time in our life we are not financially able to afford a lawyer which Ive been told would cost me $175 plus an hour to find justice. I am not in a lease, as I have lived there almost 2 years and after the first year we agreed I would notify them 60-90 days in advance should I move, since I am looking to purchase a home. I told my manager that i dont want to work around it and they basically told me to deal with it. and they just painted over it. I want to put a end to them saying not our problem and to take responsibility for their defects.. Kathy Johnson if you get this I want to talk to you my husbands very ill. I sent a letter to him today with pictures showing the problem. As you can see, the county is upset, and knows they are at fault. keep a journal try to remember when you moved in and start the journal from there. My caller also gets flooded with the waste during these insidents. He took his case all the way to the Attorney Generals office and they blew him off just like his own insurance company. My biggest concern is that I have emphysema, and I am worried that this is going to be a big health problem for me. Law Suits Against Landlords Regarding Mold In Tenants Uncategorized Two Women in Delaware Two women in Delaware were awarded $1.04 million because their landlord failed to fix leaks which led to mold in the residence, as well as claimed health issues as a result. The lab data only shows you what the samples contain. he said if i didnt get it taken care of Ill be evicted. Myself and 2 children were put in a motel while the work was done. .) I had alot of pictures of the black mold all around on my celion and etcI took pictures of cockroaches in my refrigerator and on the walls too. Someone may die who is not as healthy. Im dying here. We really our looking for some help. Even defense attorneys look for an easy payday because they too dont care about your health or anyones elses. A few months ago I noticed that when I would clean my shower or take a shower, black stuff would run out from underneath the shower walls It was mold. We have requested that she not use harsh chemicals in our home while we are there. We have been here two months and I have recently started having chest pains. Id end up fine, sent home, then it all started up again. Our bedroom ceiling fell down once again due to water damage. We have notified our landlord and he is very nonchalant about the whole thing. OMG!!!! He stomach started acting up about the same time, and she would keep asking for ice.. Was it her age catching up with her, or something else I wondered? On Feb 12 my husband and I rented a small home. Havent been able to get ahold of the supervisor. They guy said he would show up at the specified time and didnt show up TWICE when I was home BOTH times. The renters, who had no complaints about the work until we put the condo up for sale, suddenly started expressing all sorts of worries about exposure to black mold and are demanding the results and so forth. Myself i have managed to go from 92 pounds to 110 and am able to eat better however i still have so many effects from this like food and chemical sensitivities along with fibromyalgia and lung infections and the list goes on. Most people that are sensitized to mold cannot ever go back to the house even after remediation. Over the years I became more illl and I crashed Completely 2 years ago. By family room, there is a skylight. Myself and my significant other have been living in our home for since July this year. I have a case with this but dnt know where to strt. I am concerned for the safety of my children. I dont have a first and last plus down payment. He wants them out so he can update and rent at a higher price. He also said that about my bathtub-see below. It soaked the floor and the contractor said oh its fine it will just dry out. I also have been having unexplained medical issues in the past 6 months that have not stopped. They explained that I would also be sued for all repairs made to the apartment, due to my negligence. I saw 50 doctors over period of two years. Pugliese is not a licensed physician, although the website for the National Treatment Centers claims that "[t]he National Treatment Centers for Environmental Disease is the nations largest medical facility providing medical treatment for mold illness, mold exposure, mycotoxin poisoning, lead poisoning and other environmental exposures." File complaint with the health department if there are dangerous conditions, You can file a suit for damages and rent return in small claims court, they will give you the proper business name for your landlord/owner. Hi, failed to comply. On top of that there where cockroaches in my refrigerator and baby cockroaches all around everywhere more than a hundred that is for sure. I dont know how this is possible as the mold was there when I moved in, and I complained about the smell twice. TO MY BATHROOM IT CREATED MOLD SO NOW IT HAS GOTTEN WORSE I BELIEVE ITS ALL AROUND MY HOME MY KID HAVE BEEN GETTING SICK I HAVE BEEN MISSING WORK AND ON THE VERGE OF LOSING MY JOB PLEASE HELP I BEEN TOLD TO TAKE THEM TO SMALL CLAIMS COURT .. So I pay close to 8,000 a year for doctors, tests and meds, have chronic sinus and respiratory infections, multiple digestive issues and abdominal pain, short of breathe with little exertion and starting to have pain and numbness in my arms, legs, hands and feet. To date, as you can imagine I have had a battle on many front and the greatest has been finding an attorney well versed in this area in Pittsburgh pa. My clock is ticking and I want to prevent other tenants from experiencing what I have. Im not sure if its the mold to blame but we dont have a family history of asthma and theres not pets or anything in the house that could possibly cause it. I will be taking my children to the emergency room tomorrow to be tested and myself as well. Last winter, there were issues with the heat-all electric 1 bedroom apartment. I asked about getting the full report and they refused.. so I contacted a lawyer and was able to get the report which clearly indicated there was a problem so bad that I shouldnt be in the apartment. Here are 10 common reasons to sue your landlord for negligence: Recommended Reading: How To Mold Leather Holster. I believe they tried to just cover over it, out of site out of mind. We just had a good rain storm this past weekend that is when I noticed the basement is starting to leak near the impact zone. My son was diagnosed with a pituitary tumor that the doctors feel was brought on by the mold, also we are now getting the proper lab work done by a mold specialist doctor in Encinitas. Also, there is mold all over the outside of the apartments including mine. Could I actually win a case like this especially since Im moving out so soon? Dr. Ordog then overbilled or billed Medicare for services that were never provided. I used to be a healthy, happy, hard working, successful business owner who didnt use drugs, drink any alcohol, or smoke at all. Its been 11yrs. Thank you so much for your help. And that should be asap. 3 months later, (I had recently moved her out temporarily) nothing has been done except wiping down with bleach. I was told by Davina the property manager that if I was having these symptoms then why was I still living in the mobile and I lost my memory. Between 2010 and 2014, Ordog billed Medicare for $6,524,660 in services and was paid $2,573,667. About six months or so I started getting really sick and having problems with bad migraines and vision and confusion, so I followed up with my primary doctor they then pursued further testing of MRI, sleep deprived EEG after seeing a neurologist they have determined that I am having seizures while Im sleeping in due to the high waves of activity in my left temporal lobe. And other symptoms are seizure, coma, and psychiatric issues amd can cause permanent damage. Please advise me what can be done legally. As such, Californian landlords are required, by law, to provide tenants with a written disclosure when the landlord is aware of present mold in the rental home. Any help you could offer me would be great! we asked our landlord if the mold has ever been a significant problem and they said absolutely not, yet Ive heard from people in the neighborhood that the former residents had gotten sick and were forced to move out. Fifteen days ago, however, we sent a certified demand letter and they finally sent someone out who said that he knows exactly what it needs flashing (thats what the first guy said). My doctor thankfully listens to me and has ordered the blood tests to find out if we have been exposed. FacebookDanny C Hamrick. Im currently ill from my home. Code Enforcement said they had to clean baseboards he saw the brownish fuzz on baseboards throughout the apartment said he could only handle exterior unless interior walls falling down/floors caving in etc. I found a house that night that was new and mold free, the owner is a realtor so she had it inspected thoroughly. I am on a fixed income. People who are exposed to toxic mold may suffer from such things as asthma, memory loss, short-term memory loss and depression. They came and pit in for emergency fix due to the mold. A lung doctor decided to also give me a fungal test. Copyright 2023 by Wells Media Group, Inc. Floridas Universal Insurance Bounces Back in Q4 After Hurricane Ian Losses, Berkshire Hathaway Reports First Underwriting Loss Since 2017, Drop in GEICO Staffing, State Farm P/C Businesses Report $13B Underwriting Loss, Progressive CEO: Early Rate Actions Helped Growth. On December 12th of 2006 I was hospitalized and had an IV of amphitocerin B (or something like that, I cant remember how its spelled but its a very potent antifungal). HELP WITH ANSWERS .. thank you. This is a really disturbing issue for me, as she is disabled and nearly 80 years old. She went to Rex Perris and they wanted $3000.00. And to make it worse, when I called the building commissioner to find out why they marked the home in compliance when obviously it was not, he told me that the sales team who sold me my home was supposed to inform me that the roof and furnace were not certified. yesterday, we got evicted from our house. I love my apt. Around November we noticed mold on the window sills and in one of the closets upstairs. Its everywhere. Its important to have a professional mold testing performed from an independent, third party company with no conflict of interest. I have had a leaking ceiling for the past almost 6 months. I live in low income apartments. I never knew the cause. The next day a contractor came to tell me everything was ok, that they were just going to replace the little 11 square in the shower stall. Should we pursue a lawyer? i beleive there can be black mold there and nothing is being done about it, what direction should i go to prove my health problems are due to jail and managments neglect. Stachybotrys chartarum often begins colonizing in specific areas, like alongside improperly sealed windows and ceilings. I feel like my health is deteriorating but none of the doctors I see can tell me why. First step: dont panic. Soft or Hard: Which Moldy Cheese is Safe How to Prevent Mold Growth in Food Storage Shopping for a House? I am renting an apartment where I signed a one year lease. And the health and consequences of toxic mold exposure left untreated tore my life apart.. Dont let it happen to your family. My mother shares a wall with a small (cant call it an alleyway cause its not big enuf) area that runs between the houses and her bedroom window with a window AC unit are on that same wall. During the first week after moving in, I started to get short winded. GOD BLESS US ALL AND STAY STRONG AND EDUCATED . Unless you just hate me and are trying to piss me off (let me know)-youve done a wonderful job of that as far as maintenance issues go=/ otherwise your fine. The underlying facts reflect a common pattern. The ct scan ordered by workers comp now shows fluid building around lungs, heart, and liver lesions. and skin problems. I cant afford a new home this one is paid for I just want to know what can I do about this because the manufacture nor the dealer who sold us this home wants to take responsibly to fix it Please help! Ive hand several brain scans to find out why I have amnesia from that last week. Trust yourself and dont listen to no or your crazy or just drink some water Bs!!! Not to forget they are both disabled. I have developed asthma and rhinitis. I am not a county employee, so they are a third party. How do doctors prove it is caused by mold and what kind of doctor needs to confirm it is caused by mold. I have dropped into a depression and figured it just the health issues with my mother and my being her helper 24/7 . First, in order to get well you have to NO longer be exposed to the environment where the black mold is. LISTEN TO YOUR GUT!! The landlord brushed us off so I called the property management company to report possible mold and they sent a carpet cleaner which didnt really solve anything. In approximately 2003 I had a waterpipe break in my master bathroom wall which caused flooding along the entire back side of my house to include master bedroom/bathroom, laundry room, kitchen, and den. You have been a great help. I went back 2 weeks later to find everything I owned gone from the house, locks changed, and new renters living there. If Tenant notices mold or mildew growing in the Premises, Tenant agrees to notify Landlord of the condition immediately and in writing., Ive lived in this home for several years, and have had problems with black mold. No photographs were taken, 2. The second step is to figure out what type of mold it is. here, moved because the landlord wont do anything to address or help with the mold issue. Home while we are there also be sued for all repairs made to the Attorney office... 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