300 contradictions in the bible

numerous contradictions in the bible Yet we may be sure that the original manuscript (better known as autograph) of each book of the Bible, being directly inspired by God, was free from all error. (By Karim, a new convert to Islam). It only makes sense to correct the numerals once the scribal error has been noted. because the enemy is blinded fold them. The original bible was written by men inspired by spirit of God,so my brothers be careful when you are faulting the book for you have to be in spirit to understand what is written.The spirit comes when you accept with your heart Jesus as your saviour.Those changing denomination have not accepted Jesus with their heart but with their mouth and so understands nothing. BioLogos is hosting those tough conversations. And these men have two different names and come from two different families. Web3 A whip for the horse, a bridle for the donkey, and a rod for the backs of fools! Truly, using a little common sense proves helpful when studying the Bible. Inside the tattered cover, Ive read both comforting words and passages that felt difficult; they just didnt make sense. Jihad (Fighting for the Cause of GOD Almighty) started with the Bible! Its obvious that the disciples knew Jesus prior to their decision to follow him full time. But, behold, the false pen of the scribes has made it into a lie. Is that a contradiction? (LogOut/ They are very nice, kind and generous. This defender of the faith answers: Was Ahaziah forty-two or twenty-two (per 2 Kings 8:26) when he ascended the throne? Why is the field called Field of Blood? How can you believed in a religion that do not have historical evidence about Muhammad? (a) Adam ate the fruit and went on to live to a ripe old age of 930 years (Genesis 5:5) I went from being a Christian thinking the Bible was the inerrant word of God to thinking God was a horrible person after what I read in the Bible and not being able to reconcile all the contradictions and God sounding like an angry abusive dad and Jesus sounding like the nice version, to where I am nowpeace. How old was Jehoiachin when he became king of Jerusalem? Viewers discretion is advised. How I know that because I have a relationship with him. (Ephesians 2:8-9, NIV), As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead. The Catholic Church no longer swears by truth of the Bible. Is your Faith is Founded on Fact? https://answeringchristian.wordpress.com/tag/bible-errors-and-mistakes/, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biblical_inerrancy. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Fairy Tales in the Bible: The dragon who waged war in heaven. And God said unto Abraham, As for Sara thy wife I bless her, and give thee a son also of her. The problems with textual integrity in the Bible. The second one (Genesis 2), the Yahwist tradition, goes: Earth and heavens (misty) You follow Muhammad who is dead. Religion destroys. [MAT 5:3-11], And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said, Blessed be ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God. In chapter 1, man and woman are created at the same time after the creation of the animals. (By Faisal Azar). Luke suggests the latter by discussing the healing of Peters mother-in-law before the miraculous catch of fish (Lk. (a) Seven (2 Samuel 24:13) In this tale, the Gods seem satisfied with what they have done, saying after each step that it was good. Debunking another Christian myth. [JOB 26:11], All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again. arabs are only 12% of the Muslim population, 88% of Muslims are not Arabs, Arabs have muslim, christian and athiests. For example, you can do a search on this text in their site: Confirmation of this type of copyist error is found in various pagan writers as well. Even those Christian scholars admit with their own typed words by their own fingers that the Bible does indeed contain copyist error(s), and they lowered their Holy Scripture to the level of a pagan book through their comparison. Judas could not get close enough to Jesus to kiss him (John 18:3-12). David leaves the Ark there, and AFTER he defeats the Philistines, he then brings the ark to Jerusalem. (By Bassam Zawadi), The False Prophecy of Thessalonians. Biblical Contradiction: Does God Get Weary? The New Testament calls for the death of all Jews who reject Jesus as Christ. WebBut you shouldnt worry too much. So the Quran is infallible, right? Re read these verses and see. Thou shalt not kill. Where was Jesus at the sixth hour on the day of the crucifixion? The chief of the mighty men of David lifted up his spear and killed how many men at one time? There are a large number of Christians who think that the Bible is inerrant and infallible because it was inspired by their god, similar to the way that Muslims think that the Koran must be 100% correct because their god directly dictated it to their prophet. While this charge would explain the differences between the Quran and the Bible, the allegation has no credible evidence. Enhance your schools traditional and online education programs by easily integrating online courses developed from the scholars and textbooks you trust. If you still cant believe about his prayer Please look at these verses: He said to them, But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you dont have asword, sell your cloak and buy one. An Evolution In The Parable of the Wicked Tenants. In this case we can refute two contradictions at once, so lets look at the next one right away! who will cease someone daughter,wife and wealth and he will say is God that asked him to do so,,,,hmmm. And Peter called to mind the word that Jesus said unto him, Before the cock crow twice, thou shalt deny me thrice. I follow someone who lived. False sayings = cut aorta. Granting that such was the case, then when Jesus was on earth, he wasnt a complete God, nor was the Father in Heaven a whole God. this means you accepted the Bible contains wrong information? They did fall silent, but it was temporary, as the ESV Study Bible notes. And they (disbelievers) plotted to kill Isa (Jesus), and Allah plotted too. Both Matthew and Mark are focused on emphasizing Jesus position as the Son of God, but Christs innocence and righteousness is a recurring theme in Lukes gospel. His son Shelah lived 433 years. But his armourbearer would not; for he was sore afraid. You dont have to be a Bible scholar to know the answer to this one. The Quran praises the Bible, and scholars verify the Bibles authenticity. Is the Biblical God able or unable to confront iron chariots? they chose Islam voluntarily.thanks for your comments. Learn the basics of what Christians believe. yeah In chapter 2, the animals are created after people. . You can depend on the Bible, just as you rely on God. The Hebrew texts, plus Wycliffe 1395,Coverdale 1535, Bishops Bible 1568, Geneva Bible 1599, the Revised Version, the American Standard Version, Douay 1950, the Spanish Reina Valera 1960, Italian Diodati 1602, NKJV, RSV, NRSV, the Jewish translations of 1917 and 1936, the 1998 Complete Jewish Bible, Hebrew Names Bible, Rotherhams Emphasized Bible, Websters 1833 translation, the New English Bible 1970, the New Jerusalem, KJV 21st Century, and the Third Millenium Bible all say Ahaziah was 42 years old when he began to reign. John 3:16. Hashubah, iv. - Christian Forums, Bible Error : Eye Witness On Myself | Encik Pink, 659 1000 BIBLE CONTRADICTIONS LINK Why I lost faith in the Bible, 765 BIBLE CONTRADICTIONS WEBSITES Why I lost faith in the Bible, 1000 ISKA HOR-IMAAD IYO QALADAAD AH OO BIBLE KA KU JIRA. He said to the thief who defended him, Today you will be with me in Paradise (Luke 23:43), (b) No. Three months and 10 days is approximately three months. We created man from sounding clay, from mud moulded into shape, (15:26). Because is sad how you put your faith in a man who is dead. Web( John 10:38) Jesus shared this unity of purpose with his followers as well, for he prayed to God about them: I have given them the glory that you have given me, in order that they The Quran V.S. Wherefore that field was called, The field of blood, unto this day. Is he our Creator or not? And the owl, and the night hawk, and the cuckow, and the hawk after his kind, 1400 years of horrific Arab Muslim Slave Trade of Black Africans! When you reali (a) Five hundred thousand (2 Samuel 24:9), (b) Four hundred and seventy thousand (I Chronicles 21:5). Jesus is a hypocrite for bowing down to GOD only during his desperate times. [], You have really done a great research.im a christian by birth,how can i become a moslem considering my christian background?im really serious in getting converted into islam and i must leave my country if this action is taken because my family will not be happy with me.please reply me or call me on +2348061372549.THANKS, Me,anything cannot separate me from Jesus Christ.rather I will follow Christ and go to the lake of fire I like that. Prayer of Jesus in the garden, and ordering his disciples to buy swords supports that Jesus and his disciples wanted to protect themselves. What does Jesus is the heir really mean? And how did she react? Simple yet devastating proof about Paul was NEVER inspired by the Holy Spirit! [1 Cor.1:19:], Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne; Bro, I dont know about Africa, but I know that Khalifa Omar & Osman went to the neighbor countries (such as Islam) and presented Islam with the force of swords. The scene in the Garden says so. 27:54, Mk. Ironically Adam being thrown out of the garden of Eden is also mentioned in the Quran (Sura 2:36), though there is no reason for this to happen, if (as Muslims believe) Adam had been forgiven for his sin. $8.26. 8:13)its not far-fetched to assume that this common sign of honor occurred multiple times. They all bear witness to Jesus and his ministry, but approach the story with an individual perspective. She testified of her virginity. But more than that, the events of Easter are described by four different biblical authors. However, along with Ecclesiastes 1:4, a similar verse, it is not saying that the earth in its current state will always exist. That is, if you do not believe in BIBLE PROPHECY. It is certainly true that there are many apparent contradictions. For in the two verses preceding the quote in point (b) above by Shabbir, we read Matthew quoting two prophecies from the Old Testament (Isaiah 62:11 and Zechariah 9:9) together. Christianitys critics cast doubt on the New Testaments reliability by pointing out disparities in the Gospels. [MAT 28:1], And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him. These can contribute as civic associations to the solution of the main problems on Earth, which are : the education, the organisation, the perfection of science, true information, a decent life for everyone, social justice, conservation of nature, security and protection against the natural disasters. The truth will set you free. The many different and contradicting canons (bibles) that existed and still exist today! I wish everyone should try to know the truth about God before death approaches and be saved on Day of Judgment by grace of God Almighty. A video about the writings of Jesus own family members that were banned by the church because they presented Jesus as a mere servant of GOD Almighty and never once did they talk about any crucifixion or resurrection! If you have any questions, please review our. Examples of Old Testament Contradictions When did the disciples return to Galilee? Thats just one of many, many errors. Why Muhammad did not come back to life? Evidence proving that the previous Scriptures that existed among the Arabs in Medina werent the same as Constantines Bible. No opening is left for another two times. (b) Eleven (Matthew 27:3-5 and Acts 1:9-26, see also Matthew 28:16; Mark 16:14 footnote; Luke 24:9; Luke 24:3 3). Its human. The work God gave to Jesus is completed??!!! He insinuated that God is a liar. It may be helpful to interject here that there were three known ways of writing numbers in Hebrew. (Psalm 104:5, ESV), Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. a. In Psalm 104:5, the Hebrew word for forever (olam) often simply means a long period or an indefinite time, as explained in When Critics Ask: A Popular Handbook on Bible Difficulties by Norman Geisler and Thomas Howe. Zakariah (pbuh) also in his old-age prayed for a son, and God heard (accepted) his prayers, and John the Baptist was born. Those originals, however, because of the early date of their inception no longer exist., Because we are dealing with accounts which were written thousands of years ago, we would not expect to have the originals in our possession today, as they would have disintegrated long ago. If they are so contradictory, how has it passed the historical document test? And four different perspectives make for four slightly different accounts. The Bible is one of the most scrutinized books in the history of literature and has endured. Biblical Contradictions: Can There Be Food That Makes You Unclean? I ask one question If prayer of mighty messenger like Jesus was not accepted by God, then what about prayers of normal people like us? And they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their garments on it; and he sat upon it., (b) Two a colt and an ass (Matthew 21:7). (a) Yes. (a) Three (Matthew 26:36-46 and Mark 14:32-42), (b) One. The authors of the sites in the quotes above admit that the entire Bible is NOT perfect, and contains mans corruption or alteration in it. It is just to search for and respect the truths of the life, of the family, of the nation, of the Earth, of the Universe. But Herod knew that he was a righteous man and kept him safe (Mark 6:20). 20:30) vs. one (Mk. 3) How many fighting men were found in Judah? MECCA/MAKKA is a city while Kaaba is the holy shrine or a Mosque, if you are ignorant it is better to keep silent and learn with the knowledgeable people. Isnt that a contradiction to the Christian dogma of Trinity in itself? 2 Chronicles 22:2 tells us that Ahaziah was 42 years old when he began to reign. The Bibles four gospels paint four portraits of Jesus. Similarly twenty-two would be /I followed by two horizontal hooks, and forty-two would be /I followed by two sets of horizontal hooks (please forgive the deficiencies of my computer; it is not the scholar Dr. Archer is). He very well might not have died from hanging, the rope could have snapped and he fell to his death as Acts records. She had died previously and Jewish customs added them to her. Books and articles that equip you for deeply biblical thinking and ministry. if you all doubt do the research yourself and dont let anyone decieved you all. One is near the beginning of Davids reign. The lost books of the Bible. And it was known unto all the dwellers at Jerusalem; insomuch as that field is called in their proper tongue, Aceldama, that is to say, The field of blood. But they fled before Israel, and David killed seven hundred of their charioteers and forty thousand of their foot soldiers. You know what the problem with Muslim. can the word of God contain contradiction? We as follower Christ need to pray hard for them. And the Lord repented that he had made Saul King over Israel (I Samuel 15:35). But when Jesus said her name she at once recognized him and called him Teacher. Jesus said to her, Do not hold me (John 20:11 to 17). They are differences. Paul of Tarsus: The False Apostle According to Islam, Pauls Dependency on Talmudic Writings: Evidence of New Testament Borrowing, The Influence of the Pauline Epistles Upon The Gospels of The New Testament: Study and Criticism. And they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their garments on it; and he sat upon it. Debunking yet Another Christian myth Does God really Love Everybody? The women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. The birth narratives in both Matthew and Luke help answer the question, Who is Jesus and where did he come from? One of the ways each book does this is by recounting Jesus genealogy. `How can you say, We [the Jews] are wise, for we have the law of the LORD, when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely? (From the NIV Bible, Jeremiah 8:8), The Revised Standard Version makes it even clearer: How can you say, We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us? God works in mysterious ways A useful dodge when the speaker doesnt understand the conflict between what the Bible SAYS and what they WISH it said. Taken from my Answering Isaiah 53 article. And the Lord repented of the evil which he thought to do to his people (Exodus 32:14). Once again, contradictionist sloppiness abounds. These show that wrong done against a person has consequences. (a) Mark does not give the words but he says that the words were the same as the first prayer (Mark 14:3 9), (b) Matthew gives us the words, and we can see that they are not the same as in the first (Matthew 26:42). Then We would have cut from him the aorta. That is, if you do not believe in BIBLE PROPHECY. What are you gaining from this? 12. very soon God introduce you Who and What is He ! Bible Contradictions that cannot be answered, Weird Bible Verses That Might Not Be so Weird After All, List of the Biggest Contradictions in the Bible, Bible Verses That [Dont] Contradict Each Other, elementary school-aged child can read the passage, Happy Fathers Day in Heaven Quotes a Sweet Remembrance, The Vital Differences Between Catholic and Orthodox. (b) No. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus is quoted as saying Blessed are the poor (Luke 6:20), but Matthew records him saying, Blessed are the poor in spirit (Matt. Solomon and the idols contradiction in the Bible. 2) In that count, how many fighting men were found in Israel? The spiritual separation (and thus spiritual death) is shown visibly in Genesis chapter 3 where Adam was thrown out of the Garden of Eden and away from Gods presence. This 372-page volume will give the atheist tons of scriptural ammunition for shooting down the flimsy arguments of the reality impaired. The atheists compare Exodus 20:8 to Romans 14:5. Ohel, v.Berechiah, vi. The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: Be. Temporary, as the ESV Study Bible notes reality impaired the chief of the animals devastating proof Paul... Passed the historical document test defeats the Philistines, he then brings the there! Kept him safe ( Mark 6:20 ) ) in that count, how it... Study Bible notes have historical evidence about Muhammad wherefore that field was called the! 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