mothers who vaped during pregnancy forum 2020

Vaping prevalence in peripartum period, defined as any use of vaping products in the 3 mo before pregnancy to 6 mo after delivery: Overall: 7.0%; among those who smoked in past 2 y: 25.1%; among nonsmokers: 2.9%. Two further articles reported data from one US cohort study of 248 pregnant women,29,31 of whom 6 were exclusive vapers, 17 were dual users, 56 were current smokers, and 64 were unexposed (including secondhand exposure).29,31 Compared with those not exposed to vaping or smoking, babies born to dual users had a relative risk for smallness for gestational age of 2.5 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.78.8), similar to the relative risk of those born to smokers (2.6, 95% CI: 0.97.2, Supplementary Table 3). The Danger of Vaping Around Babies and Kids. Which health outcomes have been reported in studies of vaping in pregnancy and what findings have been reported for these outcomes? I quit cigarettes in Jan 2020 and went to vaping. Studies have not been done to see if e-cigarettes increase the chance for birth defects. Learn more about. Similarly, more well-designed studies measuring birth weight and other maternal and fetal health outcomes are needed to improve the evidence base in this area. The expectant mother hasn't done anything wrong and has simply found herself in a hugely difficult situation, like every other vaper and nicotine addict on the planet. Are E-Cigarettes and Vaping Safe While Pregnant? 2020; doi:10.1097/AOG.0000000000003822. Has anyone vaped a little bit, once in awhile during pregnancy? E-cigarette use during breastfeeding has not been studied. "Mayo," "Mayo Clinic," "," "Mayo Clinic Healthy Living," and the triple-shield Mayo Clinic logo are trademarks of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. I cut down from 6mg to 2mg which is pretty good tho. 2005-2023Everyday Health, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. Not judging its your life. Babies of smoking mothers on average have lower lung function at birth and later in life. Is it like smoking cigarettes? Prevalence of vaping among pregnant women (including smokers and nonsmokers) in the last 3 months of pregnancy was between 1.2%41 and 1.4%.34 Vaping at any time in pregnancy was between 3.6%37 and 7.0%.34 Among pregnant smokers prevalence of vaping in the last 3 months of pregnancy was between 5.1%34 and 9.7%.41 Vaping at any time during pregnancy among smokers was between 25.1%34 and 38.9%37 (Table 1). Animal studies have shown that use of e-cigarettes that have nicotine during pregnancy can cause poor growth in the developing baby. Does using e-cigarettes increase the chance for miscarriage? There are few studies of vaping in pregnancy, and insufficient data to conduct meta-analyses or to draw reliable conclusions. Using electronic cigarettes (vaping) during pregnancy isn't safe. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. Last post: 14/07/2021 at 4:07 am. Midwife hasnt been concerned either time x, shes perfectly healthy, doesnt have any breathing issues, she has nothing wrong with her at all! If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. FDA strongly advises against the use of cannabidiol (CBD), tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and marijuana in any form during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. McNeill A, Brose LS, Calder R, Bauld L, Robson D. Hartmann-Boyce J, McRobbie H, Bullen C, Begh R, Stead LF, Hajek P. McNeill A, Brose L, Calder R, Bauld L, Robson D. Hickson C, Lewis S, Campbell KA, et al. Especially with a 3 year old in another lockdown who really isnt coping were in the uk and things are a mess and shes constantly allowed to do things then suddenly not again I think I would end up losing my *** if I stopped. Group Owners uphold the core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines. The researchers analyzed data on approximately 80,000 mothers from the 2016-18 Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, or PRAMS, a CDC-coordinated project that collects information nationwide on maternal experiences before, during and shortly after pregnancy. Studies reporting prevalence, patterns, reasons, cessation, or health effects of vaping in pregnancy were included; animal and in vitro studies were excluded. 2018; doi: 10.1097/OGX.0000000000000595. Tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and pregnancy. To assess health outcomes, we reported quantitative data only. think twice before sharing personal details, foster a friendly and supportive environment, remove fake accounts, spam and misinformation, delete posts that violate our community guidelines, reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts. Thanks for your message, makes me feel less bad for vaping, I quit smoking cigarettes couple months before my first pregnancy but I started vaping instead.. now Im at 14 weeks and Im still vaping .. Learn more about, Twins & Multiples: Your Tentative Time Table. E-cigarettes are known by many different names. Unlike my previous two pregnancies I am struggling at the moment to stop smoking. Hi there people!!! I'm now fighting nicotine addiction (doing well! Pregnant women who smoke already consume nicotine alongside the carcinogenic and harmful constituents of tobacco smoke. Vaping During Pregnancy. Among people who vape during pregnancy, what patterns of use are identified? For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. Twelve studies reported patterns of use, but findings were inconsistent. death for the mother and baby. There were insufficient data to draw conclusions about prevalence, patterns, and effects of vaping in pregnancy on smoking cessation. Vaping frequency was inconsistently reported, and the quality of studies varied (Supplementary Table 2). Some studies have linked traditional cigarettes with nicotine to higher chances for attention deficit disorder and learning disabilities. I do have cravings for a real cig maybe once a week or so I just try to keep myself busy until it passes, I stopping hitting by juul a few weeks after I found out I was pregnant but have been so stressed and caved in to buy another with 3mg juice. However, none of the studies assessed doseresponse relationships, and the animal models used may not replicate human exposure.12, Vaping products have been commercially available since the early 2010s.13,14 They typically heat a mixture of propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin, nicotine, and flavorings to deliver nicotine to a person via inhalation of the resulting aerosol.15 Vaping products have been increasingly used by people to help them quit smoking. This content does not have an Arabic version. Be sure to talk to your healthcare provider about all of your breastfeeding questions. 6. Five quantitative studies of poor,38 fair,42 and good30,35,39 quality and one qualitative study that scored 16 of 32 on the COREQ checklist45 were included for this outcome (Supplementary Table 2). The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). An observational study of retail availability and in-store marketing of e-cigarettes in London: potential to undermine recent tobacco control gains? Shes just had the usual virals and coughs and cold any other child gets :) x, if you can stop then obviously do, I just know I would never cope. McDonnell and colleagues defined current vaping as those who self-reported current vaping. Among people who vape during pregnancy, what reasons for use are identified? One good-quality longitudinal study of 428 pregnant women who smoked reported that at baseline, 36 women had vaped in the past 7 days and 392 women had not.30 At 1-month follow-up, those who vaped had similar odds as those who did not vape, of having quit smoking for 7 d and of having attempted to quit smoking (Supplementary Table 2). I feel bad but Im proud of myself for trying to quit. Does the use of e-cigarettes in pregnancy increase the chance of other pregnancy related problems? The vanilla/cream based flavors are linked to popcorn lung. to a control group' by Suzanne Froggatt et al. The study was well powered and found that the mean birthweight of babies born to mothers who vaped (n = 218) in the last trimester of their pregnancy was very similar (within 1 g) to those born to nonsmoking mothers who neither smoked or vaped (n = 108; 3470 555 g and 3471 504 g respectively; p = .97) and was significantly higher than . Vaping during pregnancy could harm a developing fetus. H there I have vapes for years im 20 weeks pregnant and still vaping I have 6mg are there any other mums out there still vaping my midwife said it's fine I no there will be a lot of people against just wondering if anyone else is still vaping x Reply 2 Similar Discussions Found 16 Comments Newest First Oldest First Violation Reported Headaches during pregnancy: What's the best treatment? do you ladies know anything about using a vape pen whilst pregnant. @charlenerayne u are right there it is completely impossible to give up xx. The studies identified here reported mixed findings for smoking cessation, with some suggesting that vaping may help some pregnant women quit smoking and others reporting no differences between smokers who vaped and those who did not. I always though smoking is bad during pregnancy. Group Owners uphold the core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines. what form is safest to consumes? ; Smoking, Nicotine and Pregnancy Trial Team. Dont let people tell you its worse than smoking because it is not, nicotine carries its own risks on a developing fetus but the only research available on isolated nicotine exposure is in animal studies. The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. Data from the National Vital Statistics System. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. Create an account or log in to participate. Begin by consulting your health care provider for advice or seek counseling. Articles that reported data from animal studies, in vitro studies, or studies published in a language other than English, French, German, or Italian were excluded. The question is, are you willing to risk it? The low prevalence of vaping in the general population also provides challenges for observational studies seeking well-powered studies on which to draw conclusions. For more information, please see the MotherToBaby fact sheet Paternal Exposures at Risks to the child later in life via nicotine exposure during pregnancy include type 2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension, neurobehavioral defects, respiratory dysfunction, and infertility. Nicotine has been found in e-cigarettes labeled as not having nicotine, and some e-cigarettes reported to have nicotine do not. I started smoking again a few months after I had my second baby who is now 2 in a half. All rights reserved. Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, are battery operated devices that heat a liquid solution into an aerosol (a fine spray) that you inhale (breath in), like you would inhale tobacco smoke from a traditional cigarette. There is emerging evidence that vaping during pregnancy may increase the risk of small for gestational age newborns. In 2015, 7.0% of women with a recent live birth in Oklahoma and Texas reported using electronic vapor products (EVPs) shortly before, during, or after pregnancy, with 1.4% reporting use during pregnancy. Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation, Evidence Review of E-cigarettes and Heated Tobacco Products 2018. The database search identified 1243 articles, of which 23 were included in the final analysis (Figure 1, Supplementary Table 1). Eleanor Gant was an MSc student at the IoPPN Kings College London and has no links with any tobacco or vaping product manufacturers. m., Copyright 2023 The Organization of Teratology Information Specialists, MotherToBaby, a service of the Organization of Teratology Information Specialists,,, Alcohol, Tobacco & Marijuana: What You Need To Know During Breastfeeding, Asking Questions That Count When Considering Adoption, Birth Defects Prevention Month Series- Alcohol, Smoking and Other Drugs: Why Ten Fingers Plus Ten Toes Doesnt Always Equal the Whole Story, Ep. Data were synthesized in a narrative review. Does using e-cigarettes increase the chance of birth defects? Create an account or log in to participate. Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy linked below. Taking it a day at a time, I vaped right through my first pregnancy and everything was fine, still vaping during this pregnancy. Your baby could be born with low birth weight, and may need to be kept in the NICU. What are the effects of vaping on smoking cessation or reduction during pregnancy and postpartum? Dr Debbie Robson is a Senior Research Fellow in the Nicotine Research Group in the Addictions Department at the IoPPN, Kings College London. It is not clear. OTIS/MotherToBaby encourages inclusive and person-centered language. Any use of vaping products during the last 3 mo of pregnancy was estimated at 1.2% (ranging from 0.6% in New York City to 4.4% in West Virginia) with 0.5% of participants reporting exclusive use of vaping products (with no concurrent smoking). Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). I would love to quit forever and wouldnt smoke a cigarette while pregnant but being home all day with 2 toddlers and working from home really makes me want to just take a smoke break lol. How did everything turn out with your baby? I ate sour hard candies when the urge hit. Included studies were assessed for bias or quality. Among prenatal EVP users, 38.4% reported using EVPs containing nicotine. Current vaping in pregnancy (vaping every day or some days): Overall: 3.6%; among current smokers: 38.9%; among former smokers: 1.3%; among never smokers: 0.3%. There is even less evidence in relation to vaping products. Full search terms are available in the Appendix. Mark KS, Farquhar B, Chisolm MS, Coleman-Cowger VH, Terplan M. Oncken C, Ricci KA, Kuo CL, Dornelas E, Kranzler HR, Sankey HZ. However, pregnancy comes with some physical restrictions and social changes that mothers endure. ((exp electronic cigarette/) OR (e-cig*) OR (electronic cig*) OR (ENDS AND Nicotine) OR (electronic nicotine delivery system*) OR ((Nicotine) AND (Vaping* OR Vape* OR Vaporiz* OR Vaporis* OR Vapouris*))) AND((exp pregnancy/ OR exp pregnancy complications/ OR exp maternal health services/ OR exp fetus/ OR exp fetal therapies/ OR exp fetal monitoring/ OR exp perinatal care/ OR exp labor pain OR exp analegsia, obstetrical/ OR exp obstetric surgical procedures/ OR exp infant, newborn/ OR exp postpartum period/ OR exp breast feeding/ OR exp prenatal diagnosis/ OR exp obstetrics/ OR exp prenatal education/)) OR ((breast-feeding education OR parturition OR ante natal OR antenatal* OR pre natal* OR prenatal* OR puerper* OR postnatal* OR postpartum OR post partum OR post natal* OR peripartum OR peri partum OR prepregnancy OR pre pregnancy OR preconception* OR pre conception* OR periconception* OR peri conception* OR ((preterm OR premature) and (labor OR labour)) OR eclamp* OR preeclamp* OR pre eclamp* OR amniocentes* OR chorion* vill* OR breastfe* OR breast fe* OR lactation* OR cesarean OR caesarean OR cesarian OR caesarian OR cesarien OR caesarien OR newborn* OR new born* OR tocoly* OR fetal OR foetal OR fetus OR foetus OR miscarriage* OR pregnancy OR pregnancies OR pregnant).ti,ab,kf.). England LJ, Tong VT, Koblitz A, Kish-Doto J, Lynch MM, Southwell BG. Your post will be hidden and deleted by moderators. Youll hear I do it and Ive done it stories but thats not the facts. Babies born to mothers who smoke are more likely to die of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS. Hoy and colleagues method was used to assess the risk of bias in prevalence studies,24 the NewcastleOttawa Scale was used for cohort studies,25 and the Consolidated Criteria for reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ)26 to assess the quality of qualitative studies. The same survey reported that current vapers made more attempts to quit smoking than nonvapers39; however, the survey by Mark and colleagues38 found that ever vapers had not made more quit attempts than nonvapers. The authors thank Sofia Hemrage and Caterina Radu for their help with reviewing the literature. Use of the term father or paternal refers to a person who contributes sperm. While we sometimes have information about individual ingredients, we often do not have information on the effect of those ingredients in combination. One study found that the health outcomes from vaping in pregnancy may be less severe than those from smoking. The use of electronic cigarettes in pregnancy: A review of the literature. This is called the background risk. what are things you can do to lower risks? The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists does not consider e-cigs to be safe substitutes for cigarettes and says they should not be used during pregnancy. I vape alllll the time before and during this pregnancy, I'm now 26 weeks and totally freaking out that it might be harmful. Some also might use e-cigarettes during pregnancy because of the perception that the devices can help them quit or reduce cigarette smoking. Frequently asked questions. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. If you are pregnant or want to have a baby, it's important to kick these habits for good. For the health of you and your baby, it is best to quit. Nicotine does pass into breast milk. 4 a day tops they came out big healthy perfect babies. Other findings highlighted no difference between vapers and nonvapers in smoking cessation, although one study indicated that cessation effects from vaping might have been obscured by heightened motivation to quit smoking among all pregnant women. cnels16. Your comment will be reviewed and published at the journal's discretion. Receiving the Tdap vaccine during pregnancy helps protect your newborn from whooping cough (pertussis). was published in EClinicalMedicine at 00:01 UK time on Friday 16 October 2020. Accessed March 18, 2021. Im still vaping! Are there any resources or medical treatments available to help me to quit e-cigarettes and tobacco cigarettes during my pregnancy? H there I have vapes for years im 20 weeks pregnant and still vaping I have 6mg are there any other mums out there still vaping my midwife said its fine I no there will be a lot of people against just wondering if anyone else is still vaping x, Yesss Im currently still vaping. Use of the term mother or maternal refers to a person who is pregnant. The high voltage vapes produce formaldehyde if the voltage is high enough. But research suggests that pregnant women who vape believe that using e-cigarettes is less harmful than smoking cigarettes. The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including the medically reviewed What to Expect books by Heidi Murkoff. The lack of nationally representative data on vaping in pregnancy outside of the United States needs to be addressed, and more research is needed on associations between vaping in pregnancy and smoking cessation and health outcomes. Does using e-cigarettes in pregnancy affect future behavior or learning for the child? There were insufficient data available to assess the efficacy of vaping for smoking cessation in pregnant women. Increase your baby's heart rate. 866.626.6847, Media Inquiries Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. Please specify a reason for deleting this reply from the community. Studies are constantly coming out about how bad it is for your body and babies. A qualitative analysis of risk perception within existing threads in online discussion forums, Is it safe to vape? Most electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) contain nicotine, which permanently damages a baby's developing brain and many other organs. Your post will be hidden and deleted by moderators. There remains a paucity of research on the effects of vaping in pregnancy. Overall, there was consensus that there is a . All surveys included explanations that questions referred to nicotine vaping, reducing the risk of respondents reporting vaping of other substances. Data extraction was completed by one reviewer that covered the following areas: study details, prevalence, smoking behavior (including cessation and reduction), pregnancy outcomes, and barriers and facilitators to vaping. A Group Leader is a What to Expect community member who has been selected by our staff to help maintain a positive, supportive tone within a group. I threw out my cigarettes and vape the day I got my positive pregnancy test (with my first). For permissions, please e-mail: A Contributorship Form detailing each authors specific involvement with this content, as well as any supplementary data, are available online at Campaigns promote no smoking and no drinking practices, which for some individuals are way too demanding. Iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy: Prevention tips. I think the nicotine gum might help but I never had much luck quitting with anything but the vape. There were two further qualitative studies reporting patterns of vaping that scored 27/3244 and 20/3240 on the COREQ checklist (Supplementary Table 2). Fallin A, Miller A, Assef S, Ashford K. Kapaya M, DAngelo DV, Tong VT, et al. Professor McNeill is a NIHR Senior Investigator. Cooper S, Lewis S, Thornton JG, et al. No, it's not safe to vape while pregnant. The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including the medically reviewed What to Expect books by Heidi Murkoff. Pregnancy helps protect your newborn from whooping cough ( pertussis ) cut from... Eleanor Gant was an MSc student at the journal 's discretion the chance for birth?... Content that violates the community guidelines and many other organs advice or seek counseling harmful. Your healthcare provider about all of your breastfeeding questions maternal refers to a person who contributes sperm two i! Forums, is it safe to vape while pregnant in community are solely the opinions of,... Few studies of vaping in pregnancy may increase the chance for birth defects smoke are more to... Vape believe that using e-cigarettes is less harmful than smoking cigarettes Infant Death or! 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