ncis fanfiction tony feels unwanted

Just out of a war zone and told that your baby brother died in a freak medical accident and others were saved but not him? But it needs to come from me, so if Im not back when he wakes, and if he asks about them or what happened, Ill simply say that I am unaware of all the particulars of the case as I have been at the hospital.. Gibbs gut was churning, but there was no direction for him to start in to solve the damn puzzle. Ducky cocked his head to the side. Between holding his weapon and the shoulder injury, the sounds of Tony fumbling with his phone came through clearly and he put it on speaker as he called Faber, the conversation going just like Faber had relayed to Gibbs. Faber had insisted hed meet him at the hospital with an explanation. Skull fracture, bullet lodged in the upper chest near the shoulder, lacerated spleen, broken ribs, tibia in pieces and a host of minor injuries.. They were in the car reading, Gibbs said bitingly. Just wanted to clear it up, first. Im a realist, Gibbs. Therell be time enough for that later.. The fiance who left me at the altar over two years ago, Wendy, taught some music classes at my high school, including piano., Not gonna fly kid. No. I can tell you want to headsmack me., Damn right. I could hear how injured he was in how he was slurring his words and how his concentration was wandering. Ive been tracking your phone., His jaw was clenched so tight, he was lucky he didnt break teeth. McGee looked like he wanted to say something, but instead sat at his desk, starting up his computer. Tony looked strung out and in agony. They identified themselves, but your Agent David took exception to looking down the business end of a Glock 40 and disarmed one of my detectives.. Get rid of him, a third male voice interrupted. Tony had gone completely silent after that for several hours. With everything happening here I dont trust myself not to say something irrevocable., I see. I need a timestamp on when Tony started taking voiceprints, when they stopped monitoring based on the log, and when Tony was attacked. He poked Tony in the side for exposing his new reading habits to his father, then reached for his last gift. Hed forced the feelings away and reviewed McGees log of addresses and names. I do want them fired. Tonys eyes slitted open. Gibbs had asked about his other agents, even as hed run for his car, but had been given the runaround other than some vague notion that they were okay. Did the timing of your transfer have something to do with it?, Sort of. Not a word from either of you. I can tell you, news like that - peoples emotions can run the gamut. Go back to sleep. Tony knew a cop who had been shot through his door when he went to look through the peephole. Summary: Tony feels the bullet tearing through his arm as the only point of heat in the cold and damp around him. For that matter, what the hell happened to DiNozzo?, What weve been able to piece together is that in the course of his undercover assignment, Tony stumbled into a very high-end drug operation. John Sheppard., John smiled his sheepish grin. Id rather hurt a little than be so drugged up, okay? He scrubbed his hands over his face. In the bottom right corner it said, for L.J. Though I expect theyll want a copy of the audio from the assault., He then handed over a set of keys and a business card. The case seemed to point to possible domestic terrorist cell, but all they were doing was getting voiceprints in a swanky neighborhood in Alexandria. Agent Gibbs, a voice said softly, jolting him out of the half asleep state hed been in. Now, stop it., Tony sighed, but didnt really look convinced. But everyone knew the gays didnt understand what being faithful was. You held your own when two of them were armed and got out alive. We should be working the case! It was suspicious that she chose the first morning Gibbs wasnt at the hospital to come here. Didnt ask, didnt want to paint a target on ya., Thanks. Balboas team was standing in for the MCRT. He didnt want it known because Tony relies on being underestimated. Hows DiNozzo? he asked immediately, and Gibbs appreciated that it was the first question. Ten minutes later, he had passed off the consent forms and was working on DiNozzos personal information and medical history; and there was too damn much of that as far as Gibbs was concerned. And thus leading to the existence of this family unit of ours. But when Padraig appeared, he physically resembled Gibbs a good bit and was kind and funny and complimented Tony and asked him out. Hed heard all about the latest clusterfuck by golden boy DiNozzo. He had trusted her to do the job. Im afraid my enthusiasm quite ran away with me. At some confusion in Gibbs expression, Palmer pulled open the bag and spent the next ten minutes explaining the Kindle to Gibbs. Shut. You recover, we talk, and somewhere along the way, well figure things out.. I always thought that the David/McGee transgression was covered over too much. You think hed believe me, Leon?, Vance snorted. Especially the crossover with Hawaii 5-0 had me longing after one and I was wondering how youd handle it in the NCIS verse. Will Tony come out on top? What are you doing here? Youd be a distraction I dont need right now. He knew he was being callous, but at the moment, he didnt really give a damn. However the likelihood of it blowing up in their faces was always there. Before this is over, I assure you, it will be clear that I will not tolerate this kind of behavior., Gibbs got to his feet. Typically, with someone in his situation, the issue becomes getting them to not overdo their rehab. Thanks . I can send him back to the office now and it will be ready by the time we get there so we can turn it over to Abby with the last few were getting now., Gibbs nodded. Were thinking of buying the house on the other side of the circle, and wondered what you thought of the neighborhood.. Tony walked into the conference room, closing the door behind him and Mason rose to his feet. Okay then. Instead of replying, he made a get-on-with-it gesture. They hit it off right away and Tony had thought it might go somewhere but in the end, Stuart realized he had a serious issue with Tonys job. But there was no team now to worry about. That isnt - look, Im still in the Air Force, sort of, technically, I mean, on my taxes and whatever, but in reality, Im sort of not. Hey, it was dark, okay? My apartment is still out of commission Kate and Ive been staying with a friend who lives near Baltimore., No, Kate. Now it was Tonys job to meet the next of kin of one of the men who had died to explain what he could of events. Im afraid you will have to curb your usual means of corrections for some time, Ducky responded lightly, though there was obvious serious concern under it. Yes, I know its all fiction. I know his qualifications, Gibbs., I mean, that if you had actually read Tonys file, including the parts Morrow and Shepard agreed to put in the classified portion, youd be a fool to have this opinion of him. Whats wrong with Tony?. Pale, bruised and beaten, and there seemed to be too much blood all over everything; no doubt from the gunshot wound. I sure as hell wont, and as much as I hate shrinks, Ill be asking for a psych eval if you even think about it, he retorted immediately. You can leave public comments on any page or post on my site. Theres nothing Tony could possibly offer that isnt on that tape., I know that, Gibbs, but whatever defense of their actions McGee or David offer may need to be countered by Tony himself., Thats bullshit and you know it, because there is no defense for those actions. Walking into her lab, he turned off the music. Someone had to do something. No, it wasnt right. "Thank you for walking me to my car Tony," you said unlocking your car and opening the door. Due to my failure, I was challenged to tell part of my life story in a current-ish pop culture manner. Conversely, Tony is considered good, but he still lashes out when hes hurt. ducky is totally my favourite. When the Alexandria PD found them and asked them to step out of the car and produce identification, David got hostile. Its good to see you., Yeah, I get it. The older man wasnt getting the point that she didnt want to go out with him and was chasing her with all of his Scottish charm on full display. He winced slightly when his arm stung due to the stitches. Its okay? Tony asked a little tentatively. After it hit the gurney, it smashed into the lane barrier and the gurney broke through the windshield. You couldnt hit the broadside of a barn look at how youre shaking. There were faint sounds of movement, then the report of gunfire. He didnt deny the pain it had caused, but he didnt need to express his feelings about it endlessly. Tomorrow, you need to go to Vance and explain to him that youve been tracking my movements and why., I cant! she responded sounding horrified. Tony was in a bad place - again. Listen to the third audio file on that. left kudos on this work! Faber continued to try to keep Tony talking, but it was harder and harder to get even the most minimal responses out of him. Most written content is NSFW and the visual content may also be. And not what Gibbs had said or done, but what Abby had done. Tony had talked to Abby a couple times and seen her once, but he was clearly angry with her. When Tony wasnt feeling guilty about Abby, he was angry at her, and with his moods so unsteady, he hadnt asked to see her. But Stuart told him that he just couldnt handle the stress and worry about Tonys safety. Charlie and Ian clash when they first meet. Both stared in confusion as the small laptop was setup with the flash drive and the tech pointed out which button needed to be pressed to start playback. He looked up to find Palmer standing on the opposite side of Tonys bed, a duffle bag slung over his shoulder and tray of coffee in his hand. Im not blind or deaf, Tony I know you two go at it like rabbits. The lab was no longer Abbys sole domain and she had lots of new rules to live by. Yeah, I can see him losing it. Youve shown in Emergence (Ziva) and The Journey Home (Abby) that you dont approve of their behavior, but this was the first time were not in an AU verse so its more real. Hed seen her like this before when shed screwed up. They dont know about what happened to DiNozzo. Is that right, Probationary Agent David? Gibbs interjected as he came around the corner. But hes pretty sure she wasnt joking. Inside the long box, he found several rolled up sheets of heavy paper tied with a black ribbon. You should press the button on your PCA, my boy. McGee was a stuttering nervous wreck when Tony recommended him for the MCRT. OR Buck's in love with his best friend and doesn't know how to figure out if Eddie shares his feelings. You could have been charged with assaulting a police officer., David made a dismissive sound. As for your other proposition. Gibbs considered the time. When I feel down I read some of my favorite stories. This looks like a TV cabinet., But He stared at Gibbs for several seconds. Do you ever accept requests by the way? I am not as eloquent as your other commenters but I agree wholeheartedly! Then Tony was in his arms, hugging until Gibbs was pretty sure his ribs creaked. Tony would normally manage just fine with crutches, but with his shoulder injury, it wasnt a possibility. Now however, fixes for it are one of my favourite themes and this one is extremely enjoyable. The DEA is taking custody of who we believe to be a drug smuggler. I have seen all of maybe one episode of the show and have therefore have a very flexible head canon that is based on the writing of a few favorite authors. You could stay with NCIS or come in under another umbrella but look there is a job offer, an incredible one, believe me coming your way but this isnt in any way contingent on you dating me again. Two at most, Ducky replied, sounding calm and steady. I dont know where, but I know you, and I dont believe youre lookin for a house., Look, buddy, you dont know me. Yes, Boss, McGee responded immediately. Is that clear enough for you?. Don't bug me or it may never happen because I can be contrary and so can my muse. Thank you, Tony. It wasnt just the music, it was also taking a chance on them after Gibbs had pushed him away for so long, for staying when his life experiences told him to go, and for being exactly what Gibbs needed. Enough! Joking about you being in the Village People, and you talking about dating your music teacher in high school?, Okay, wait. It always has been. As he walked, he made a couple comments designed to entertain McGee and David and then noted the address he was approaching. He nodded his head in acknowledgment of the gesture. And this week there had been eight bodies of Marines. He hadnt seen that smile in a long time, he realized; even before the horrible betrayal. I dont even think you can shoot straight., You take one more step toward that gun, and I will put a bullet in you. And when Greenfield and Sans were killed and I knew they had been suspicious of some stuff, too, I left. Did you speak with Director Vance?. So you tell me how they arent responsible for the condition hes in?, In case its not perfectly clear to you, Im going to use very plain, specific words; even if Tony wanted to talk to the disciplinary committee, it actually worked, and those two idiots kept their jobs, I would never work with them again. In the aftermath of Dead Air, Tony DiNozzo decides to reach out to the father hed been mostly ignoring for the last year for help and support. He pulled out his phone as he approached his car and dialed Johns number which he happened to have memorized. As soon as the obvious danger was presented and Tony made his first subtle call for backup, Davids expression closed off, but McGees was openly fearful. I just printed it.. If McGee and David had been listening, they should have been alerted immediately by the odd comment, and been preparing to intercede. I hope you will like the story! If you have an emergency, youve compromised your ability to get to help. A name for the girl who was left on the streets by her mother at the age of 2. How could she he trailed off, then sighed. Gibbs let them listen through every request for help, and stopped the playback just after Tony dazedly begged his friend to find his partners and make sure they were okay. At this stage, monitoring is the best course. Over time that mentor relationship had shifted to something more carnal, though Shane refused to label it or even discuss anything about it. He also doesnt need her in here advocating for them., I understand and I agree with you, but because you cant keep her away forever, you must reconcile yourself to telling Anthony what has occurred sooner rather than later.. Tony strolled into the bullpen and to his desk to a growled, Youre late, DiNozzo!, Tony shot a wry smile at his boss, who already knew he would be and why but still acted in front of the female probie like Tony was an irresponsible idiot who couldnt tell time. He let that go. The emotion between Gibbs and his team, and Gibbs and Tony were breathtaking. Describe the rest of your morning for me.. They had been chasing tangos into underground tunnels that were never used, so no one knew to take biological decon treatment about the mold issue. So, my twist, my first twist - pop culture genre expect the unexpected - is it will be more of a story of how I reconciled and ended up with your father. The medical things will mostly be made up. In a world where NCIS, Stargate SG-1, and The Sentinel coexist with the MCU, the consequences of the battle for the Triskelion (as seen in Captain America: The Winter Soldier) are deadly for more than just SHIELD and HYDRA agents. He couldn't feel anything from Gibbs, no hint that the other man was a Guide and to be honest, Gibbs had only once told him he was a Guide. And that aint all that was being said either. Tony rolled over into a ball as much as he could as the man hit him with something over and over and kicked him. Dammit! There. Gibbs offered a nod to the SFA, who returned it tightly. The furnace in the building sucked and so did the ductwork in his apartment. Youre lousy at following orders, Gibbs countered. 62, dark blond, blue eyes. Thats what makes you a prick. Point taken., Huffing in annoyance, Gibbs continued to glare. But things are more different than that. Given a lift, problem on the Beltway at night. He may have seemed more alert, but he certainly didnt appear to be better. Im not trying to pressure you. Lets be clear about what I wont tolerate, he said softly. But Tony was determined, and Gibbs knew hed get past it eventually. What would you do, Lunsford? Tony was peering intently at the house. This was awesome! No, Gibbs.. Hes hanging in there. Gibbs raked his hand through his hair. Im very sorry for your loss., As the lieutenant nodded and narrowed his eyes, the broken door latch released and Tony went to close the door again. Yeah, thats not a problem. Because you make me want to take rule twelve out of the book, but I didnt know what you wanted. he kicks gibbs ass like a boss and you cant even get mad at him. It presented as poisoning but Duckys and Abbys in depth analysis and searches on obscure medical facts had found the truth. He bluntly laid the situation out for the ME and waited for the subsequent stupefaction to pass. He sort of doubted theyd last long enough to get seriously cold. And he confirmed it. Once they were inside, and he had Tony comfortably settled on the couch with his leg propped up and a pain pill, Gibbs seated himself on the coffee table directly in front of Tony. Dammit, DiNozzo, why is it always you in this situation? Gibbs asked softly, neither expecting nor getting a response. I had seen some very bad things that I knew were out of line and was warned that I didnt really see anything. Three on one isnt great odds., Gibbs shook his head. Special Agent Loki Laufeyson by Skylar Wittenborn 92.6K 4.1K 89 After the devastating invasion of New York, the war criminal Loki is being punished. Ive always known it was a shitty thing to do. Aww, yay for a happy ending! I was a dick, an asshole, an idiot, a fool., And now what - youre in a twelve step program and this is part of you making amends for your mistakes?, John shook his head. But not today. I can admit it. But even if that wasnt true, Id never tolerate agents on my team whod pull a stupid stunt like that.. He was getting rather desperate to see how Tony was doing, but it seemed like there was a never-ending stream of things to do or discuss that came first. I swear it doesnt look good for them, Gibbs. Now he was ducking Vance, too. I dont read NCIS very often but when I do it is almost always written by you and you always blow everyone else out of the water! It had been difficult keeping his project from Tony. Breakfast, he offered sounding uncertain. Until Dead Air. Tony would tell you hes scrappy, but the truth is that hes more skilled than hed ever let anyone see, and, most importantly, he doesnt know how to give up., Vance looked thoughtful, as if he were adjusting his world view. I dont know what your problem with DiNozzo is, but grinding that axe in this situation just makes you look like youre trying to compete with Connors for biggest asshole, and it makes you unfit to sit in the chair. What everybody else said. Gibbs wasnt even aware of entering the room, he had just seen red at her blatant emotional manipulation and that bullshit justification. He pulled her out of the chair and steered her out of the room. They dont even deny it., Oh my god. It means, when I want to be around you, you tell me to go away. After a couple sips, Tony blinked, then squeezed his eyes shut. No, Leon, I dont particularly want anything.. It isnt like youre hiding or in witness protection or anything, you know, Tony. Not to my team, not to anyone there. Gibbs snorted. Instead of listening to the messages, he deleted them. Even Vance was frowning as he stared at the laptop in consternation. I could never ask for more than that.. Oh my god. She stared for several seconds, then asked. Just stopped by for a re-read. This is the question when Abby moves to Eureka, and Jack finds himself battling to remain in control and keep Zoe (and himself) safe. I mean, Id like to date you. It made him more wary of relationships lasting but at heart Tony was a romantic and always hoped to meet his true love. The last couple months had been difficult in a lot of ways, but theyd also been good. As the violence began, David became even stonier. Mike Banning is pulled online due to Tony coming online and he immediately starts hunting for him along with several other Sentinels and Guides. The address on the card is where you can get your people when youre ready. If not part of another investigation, the FBI would have purview. So, you can take the job and we can just be friends if thats what you wanted. While Gibbs was away from the hospital, hed taken the time to swing by NCIS and get caught up on email and reports. Ive read a lot of your works. Why do you want me around? Tony asked cautiously. He was stuck running down an AWOL sailor, his sixth in a row. Thats an order.. Theyll be here soon and you might as well rest., Am I Tony trailed off and swallowed convulsively. Please consider turning it on! No, the issue was his head. He had thought he had found a home here, a place to belong and do good work, but lately things had changed too much. Ive read this fic twice in the past two months and I will continue to read it again and again. You have a great sense of character balance. I Ive been gone on you practically since we met. They didnt - that isnt what it was. You boys both need new memories for the holidays, so a little something to remember this first Christmas by.. He could hear a tinny voice near his head just saying over and over that help was coming and to hold on and realized it was John on his phone. Hows Tony? he asked one of RNs usually assigned to Tonys care. The only betrayal going on is from those two dolts. I dont know how to - God. I know procedurals take liberties, but that was one step too far. Genre: First time, episode related (season 8, episode 5 Dead Air) This isnt as bad as it looks, McGee began. When I said no, she threatened to fire me. Always looking out for your writings, this is beautiful. This Gibbs is much more likely, even if he and Tony didnt have feelings for each other. But Im not judging you, buddy. For Tony.. Theyll be here for him shortly. They stepped out, and Ducky followed as well, leaving him alone with Tony. I confess to being at a loss for anything meaningful to say, Ducky finally offered. And that was more than enough. As visiting hours neared their end, they had tried to persuade Gibbs to leave, but he had just glared and said no. With his investigative skills and experience, he should be a team lead, but hes happy as an SFA, so Im not getting the best use out of him. Mason sank to his knees and his body shook with sobs. Hey. Anyway, Im not going to talk more about this canon point because I have feelings about it lol More thumps and crashes and another yell, but sounding agonized. I always get a warm tinglely feeling every time I read one. When you and DiNozzo were set to steal Domino, you were ordered not to engage if you got caught, and yet you did. They were neighbors. 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