percy jackson fanfiction the gods read the son of artemis

He had spent some time alone by the fire as well but we let him do it knowing he couldn't be burned after Hestia gave him her blessing nearly 6 months ago. Zoe turned the boy to face her as Phoebe sat on the log next to her and told him, "Hi baby Percy; we are your new family now. percyxop. percyjackson. Chapter 18 Ellie got up from the Hermes table now dressed in huntress clothes thanks to my Mom who dressed her just with the flick of a wrist. Mortal world AU's. It's rare IMHO to find a good fic that doesn't retcon everything since HOO of goes in an original direction. He could see through the mist and knew it was . He is my son now though and has been since the age of one!" abbvie ceo richard gonzalez wife; how far is haddonfield, illinois from chicago "They are fine Percy see" and I turned myself around so he could lift his head and see his sisters were fine. Read the most popular godpercy stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. It turns out he made Zoe a charm to put on a necklace and a beautiful one it is too! 20. she explained and Phoebe and I got up from where we were chatting and went to go and help the boy get clean. he announce shrinking back up against a wall. "Mooooom" he whined and we all laughed at his embarrassment. Tonight we told him the story of Jason and the Golden Fleece. Artemis Hunt is a worker in a coffee shop, a babysitter and an actress- in work. It was then crushed under a tidal wave that came from a nearby river which caused Percy to fall and hit his head on a rock crumpling to the ground unconscious after losing all of his energy summoning so much water. My dear do you know what you are?" +22 more. Cute baby Percy! So I just came down here to vent it out and after a while I was able to calm down. "Dear gods and goddess, before you dump the books, I suggest you read them. he questioned looking at Percy with a fierce gaze that made the three year old burst into tears at the 'scary mans' horrible face and he curled up next to his sisters on the floor who stood over him protectively before Zoe hoisted him up onto her hips and replied. I considered for a moment and thought that it would make him better with a bow and arrow even with Ares' blessing as I heard that all Poseidon's children are useless with a bow. I warned him but he ignored me. I rushed over to where he had been facing to see whether there were any spoils. This is because it might ruin the story. . I want to be a part of this boy's life Artemis. Ongoing. 9. Another about love. Pertemis Fanfiction. He was very stealthy thanks to Hermes blessing and the girls things went missing from time to time only to turn up in odd places like trees or even slipped back into their tent without noticing making them believe they were slightly insane. "I Win! I smiled reassuringly at her and her expression softened slightly. I was frustrated. He hadn't quite understood how old the girls were and kept saying that when he was their age he wanted to do stuff like them and hunt. They could play for hours and we let them, hoping they would tire out and quieten down quite soon so we could continue planning Zoe's birthday presents. How will the gods react to this? "Lunar?" And what dangers will. The gods left us to go and speak with Artemis I guessed and I just sat down in the long grass pulling Percy with me onto my lap and interrogated him on how he'd done it. She pulled her hands up in surrender and said in a calm voice. I have seen how you are with him, you are a great mother and I wish to help. Chapter 19 After all if I couldn't trust her there was literally no one left. I laughed at my mother's anger and protectiveness and everyone looked at me as if I belonged in a mental ward. But don't worry my child, you will wake up in the morning and be better than ever" I was stunned at the way the great god of forges was talking to the child and looked at him curiously making him explain. Apparently this was where we were to be claimed. percabeth. I reached out my hand to touch it when without warning I was free falling towards the ground. . This is a fanfiction that, percy jackson becomes the new god of sky and thunder, and also the king of the . So far she was getting a new bow from Artemis, a set of green clothes from the other hunters along with emerald earrings and a necklace, I was getting her a new dress, headband and iPod for her beloved Demi Lovato songs along with a 50 voucher as I have been saving up for a whole year because we only celebrate ten year birthdays in the hunt unless of course it's Percy! I makes littwl fires now, do you wike sandwiches?" We fought the bear and I saved this for you!" Browse through and read reading percy . I stood in the arena hacking away at the dummies. Percy muttered. She was pure white with green eyes just like Percy and made a deep rumbling growl in her throat almost like purring except she wasn't a cat and nuzzled Percy playfully. I was amazed at the effect my son had on the normally violent cocky war god. Chaos and the Fates decided to let the Gods and Demigods of both camps to read Percy Jackson and the Primordials so they could know the threat that they would face in the 5 years against Chaos' children. This is camp half-blood, home to all children of the gods. Reading Percy Jackson: Book 1 - The Lightning Thief, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Nico di Angelo & Thalia Grace & Percy Jackson, Children of the Big Three (Percy Jackson), Characters reading the Percy Jackson books, Book 1: The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson), Reading Percy Jackson: Book 2 - The Sea of Monsters, Thalia Grace & Percy Jackson friendship - Relationship, Book 2: The Sea of Monsters (Percy Jackson), Reading Percy Jackson: Book 3 - The Titan's Curse, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood, Nico di Angelo & Jason Grace & Thalia Grace & Percy Jackson & Hazel Levesque, Book 3: The Titan's Curse (Percy Jackson), Reading Percy Jackson: Book 4 - Battle of the Labyrinth, Book 4: The Battle of the Labyrinth (Percy Jackson), Reading Percy Jackson: Book 5 - The Last Olympian, Book 5: The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson), Reading Percy Jackson: Book 6 - The Lost Hero, Rachel Elizabeth Dare & Reyna Avila Ramrez-Arellano, Book 1: The Lost Hero (Heroes of Olympus), Reading Percy Jackson: Book 7 - Son of Neptune, Book 2: The Son of Neptune (Heroes of Olympus), Reading Percy Jackson: Book 8 - Mark of Athena, Book 3: The Mark of Athena (Heroes of Olympus), Reading Percy Jackson: Book 9 - House of Hades, Book 4: The House of Hades (Heroes of Olympus), Reading Percy Jackson: Book 10 - Blood of Olympus, Book 5: The Blood of Olympus (Heroes of Olympus). This startled the child and I knew flashing wasn't very smooth for demigods and the child started to cry. 7. We all watched as they carried the young boy off to his bed who was protesting loudly. I pouted that my stare which could make Zeus quiver didn't work on the most annoying god of them all, my own brother. Work Search: I headed back to the medical tent glad to see not many of my huntresses in there. Pothena! So I gave them one. February 21, 2023 . She was dying. "I cannot do that my child I have express orders from Zeus himself to keep you hear until you are claimed. "When will he wake up?" Please consider turning it on! The past gods are to read the adventures of Percy Jackson and his friends. I laughed and praise him on his kill, "That's a very big one Percy well done. Poseidon was the second male and fifth child of Kronos, the Titan King of Mount Othrys, and his sister-wife Rhea, born after . Percy was Six and a half now and carried the blessing of six gods. He tapped her and yelled. It was the winter solstice and Zeus was talking about some boring thing like usual and the four heroes Hercules, Perseus, Theseus and Orion were invited to watch. she asked in a curious tone. Work Search: "Hello Hermes, Hephaestus. We were right and I scowled at the boy but it vanished when he looked up at me with a beam on his face that was slightly guilty as he said, "Sowwy Phe-Phe but I had to; I wanted Zee-Zee to have a good pwesent so I made it see!". "Zee-Zee Phe-Phe I'm ok no need to worry. Chapter 11 The food was very good and as we gave our offering I had a brilliant way to give our location away to mum and as I tipped the biggest sausage into the sizzling flames I whispered. I wiped my brow and drank some water. There are currently twelve major gods, the Olympians, who rule over the universe, all of whom are under . I ran my hand through his hair absentmindedly until Hestia held her hand out and asked for the boy. I got up to go and see what was wrong but to my surprise, as I reached the flap of my tent I saw my son was running to Phoebe's tent who came out after a second, and was then pulled to Zoe's tent, after they managed to make her stop crying I heard them both singing to her which was making her laugh. But instead I found a woman. He seemed to be attracting them with his strong scent as a very powerful Demigod. This is simply the Gods, Hunters and Campers reading about the events in the two stories. He had beautiful sandy blonde hair, a good tan and great blue eyes. He explained that he just knew what to do and couldn't really remember how he'd done it, so after he finished I picked the boy back up giving him Zoe's present back so he could hide it and strolled back towards camp with the boy on my hip where he rested his head on my shoulder, tired after playing with his pup almost all day long. Percy reluctantly nodded. "Why are you here?" 12. [thinks] This will give me time to think about what I will wear to the date. "Why does something like that always happen to me?" We reached the dining pavilion and took seats beside each other. Read Percy Jackson: Son Of Artemis fanfiction written by the author TheGodSage on Webnovel, This serial novel genre is book&literature fanfic stories, . My huntresses came back after an hour or so and they were all very tired and lugging several dear. At this Percy stopped hiding and looked back at the gods with new found courage and asked. When he finished chanting Percy fainted but was held steady thanks to Ares. Percy Jackson, the son of Athena and adopted son of Poseidon, is an enigma with dark past full of . Pertemis. asked Phoebe a child of Ares and excellently skilled fighter she said the phrase with disgust as all of my huntresses hated males. In seventeen-year-old Mia's world, Greek Gods have certainly made their presence known. 10. Phoebe whispered the last bit and I smiled at her. He sat down in front of Ares and opened both palms up in front of the god. Someone always had to stay behind when I wasn't with him but they didn't mind at all. "He has many children of his own and cares little or none for any, why should he be allowed near my son?" I was almost always with the boy apart when I went hunting with the girls. "Good I can see you changed your mind about your brother, and I trust you will let me babysit once in a while. The younger boy laughed "well Percy me and Thalia are just special like that." After Hermes outburst and almost everyone getting annoyed they started to leave. I said in a deadly serious tone. "Percy Jackson and the Olympians:The Lightning Thief, The Sea of Monsters, The Titan's Curse, The Battle of the Labyrinth, and The Last Olympian. Apollo was, after all, a god, and it wasn't wise to intentionally ridicule one, so they fell into silent contempt of the deity who had interrupted them. The 27 of July!" I win!" The logical side of me told me to leave it alone but the Huntress side was demanding to know what it was. On the beach, near the water. A son of Poseidon! We continued to talk about the boy until I mentioned the girls loved hearing him laugh and tickled him often, this put a gleam in her eyes as she laid the boy back down and tickled him. "I found him on the beach with his dying mother. Another girl came up to us and snapped her fingers I front of our faces quietly whispering. 4.5 (27 ratings) Read In Library Add to Library. The Seven are now about to be together and the great prophecy will begin. He was on a beach when his mother was killed. "Come her Perce I'll help you get clean fast yeah?" Coz she aweys knows wat I been doin!" "But he is a male child milady!" by ItsAlreadyEve. He was developing very fast. Amphitrite's throne was next to Poseidon made from something that looked like the bottom half of an oyster and a backseat with a dozen, glimmering pearls. "Child I'm not completely antisocial. Browse . When he was dressed in his PJs we sent him off to say goodnight to all his sisters and he ran away towards the campfire to sing a song before we took him and put him to bed. The past gods are to read the adventures of Percy Jackson and his friends. You didn't summon us?". Perseus is raised by the Hunters of Artemis. Read Chapter 31- The Hunt and The Di Angelos from the story Percy Jackson- Adopted Son of Artemis (ABANDONED) by cupcakesandcakes369 (Cupcake ) with 4,791 re. He ran out towards the forest and created a small hurricane around himself. "Zee-Zee, Phe-phe" I smiled and dismissed them as they hurried off to show the hunt their new little, and very cute, member. 4. Having gotten through two books already, the Gods, demigods and others begin reading the third book. Ellie didn't tell anyone she was a huntress and didn't have to because she had been wearing casual clothes when we went shopping. "And a very powerful child at that. He once showed Zoe fighting a Cyclops and made Phoebe drop the bottle because this was the first time he'd done it, but after that they all fought over who fed him and I thought it was funny to watch them squabble over this little child who seemed to control all of our lives now. New bonds are formed and friendships will be tested to the limit. he said which made Hestia laugh and he blushed. Ongoing. He would lie down on their lap as he was quite small for his age though well developed. He was looking straight up at the pair who had just arrived. How dare my father claim me. Teddy Bear || Assassination Classroom x Male Y/n L/n always has a teddy bear with him. A deer. 5. All in all the huntresses took to the child like wildfire. she promised and I knew she was right. "Milady. The middle of the dining pavilion was filled with the whole Olympian council including Auntie Hestia who was tending the flames I had made my sacrifice in. I was quite small and scrawny for my age but was fast and stronger than I looked. When he got in bed he woke up and asked for his bottle very quietly which was still on his nightstand next to his tiny bed. The boys were mortal and were just out for a fight. I loved the bond the two had with Percy. "How'd you know?" Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan. I cautiously walked towards the light and was pulled in and found myself falling with a screaming girl. Help him p-please. Feet away from the sea and the lazy Sea king did nothing! Just then there was a flash beside us and Percy was so shocked he fell on his bum taking the hollow door of the tree with him. valkerie; marvel; powerfulpercy . The final book. I had taken a nap to revive myself and left the girls with Percy. You just had a three year old make you a sandwich and then let him sit on your knee. They've made it through the first Great Prophecy, now they must read about the second. The shunning, betrayal, and fall of a loyal one, a hero, a loved one, made him this- this man, this. A reading about Percy's adventures while fixing relationships in Greek mythology, based of their personalities in the books. He broke his oath? I held him up to Phoebe who dressed him in pyjamas as he was potty trained now and didn't need diapers anymore. And if he 'smells' off to you he already has the blasting a of three gods already, who are Apollo, Hestia and Ares" the gods nodded and looked at each other before turning to me and asking, "Would you help us to convince Artemis to let us give the child his blessing?" Which he was. Percy: [to all who was present] I think that we should continue this . "I'm not your little sister so call me that one more time and I'll castrate you" I warned with a death glare that was returned by him rolling his eyes at me. Then the shorter one wearing all black stated "I am Nico Di'Angelo," and sat down. He smiled at us and closed his eyes dropping the bottle and fell asleep. I sat by his side and stroked his unruly black hair while Phoebe started the story and I took over from time to time. He was also very stealthy thanks to a blessing had gotten recently from the god of thieves. He was gone for 10 minutes before we found Lady Artemis and told her about the boy having sent two huntresses into the woods to find him already. We asked her how the heck she'd done it and she told us that we might want to review our Greek myths and tell him those otherwise there would be tantrums every night. They didn't mind changing him when I asked them if they could take some shifts because taking care of a small child, especially a demigod child, was tiring. Zoe asked quite gleeful at the chance of having a baby brother. Hestia conjured benches for the demigods to sit on, and they silently thanked her. Son of Artemis (Percy Jackson Fanf. Baby Percy here killed a hellhound on his own using the power of the sea. There was a trident above my head! I asked him curious that he hadn't woken straight away but then again Ares blessing was quite powerful, "Hmm, well if all is normal he should wake up tomorrow morning if you feed him a bit of ambrosia. One about a mother's favorite. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan. Please consider turning it on! He had made us closer, stronger, and in turn made me stronger as I pulled strength from my domain! It was easy because he was small and quite scrawny for a child. The only troubles we ever had with the child were. she answered at him smiling. :). And by now I could smell it. I offered and he swam closer making sure not to splash me just in case his 'reward' wasn't granted. "Welcome to the Athena cabin, M/n." If he didn't want a bath he would simply make the water go away or form an air bubble around him, and even once I saw him manipulate the water to splash Zoe in the face when she tried to wash him. Hestia flashed away before the girls saw her but I let the goddess talk to my son whenever she wanted to after that which was at least twice every month. I relaxed and put my knifes away but still held the boy close. Zoe though looked very excited and I was about to ask why when she called, "Percy? Chapter 6 Poseidon is the Greek god of the sea, storms, earthquakes, droughts, floods and horses. He was asleep within minutes and we sighed in relief heading back out to our sisters and Artemis. I saw my sisters scanning the Hermes table for me and when my two oldest siblings found me I groaned at the thought of being embarrassed in front of all of these demigods by my sisters. They both got up and shot a worried look at Mom. To what do I owe the pleasure?" When we had caught breakfast which was elk and 2 rabbits, we cooked it and plated up, 18 servings in total which was 16 huntresses plus Artemis and Percy which was a rather small portion because he was so little. 17. "Why do you want to give him this blessing may I ask?" That night we ate the buck and everyone thanked Percy making him smile. The light-hearted looks of content on the faces of the Hunters instantly took on one of guarded scorning. . One night when I was awake just listening to the wildlife I heard Zoe crying and mumbling in her sleep. I ran to my son and picked him up just as all of the other girls tended to each other's wounds. But not before story time or there would be chaos, as we knew from experience. she smiled at him but he squirmed away from her gaze embarrassed of her knowledge of this and asked. I wondered what he was doing until he threw a wall of water at me that made me hit the deck. For some unknown reason I had felt empty lately like I needed someone else in my life. Zeus has made many mistakes but ignoring problem after problem making gods fade even his own children. Her mother was cruelly abandoned by her uncle, James Potter, because his wife and son were part of some damn prophecy and needed to be protected, pampered, more like. this was the pup that Percy had gotten from Artemis for his third birthday and he loved the cub dearly. I think the fact that he couldn't talk or do anything to hurt and disrespect them made him more acceptable even if he was male. Are dey okay?" Chapter 1- Percy the 'Special Case' Chapter 8 "Wike mommy? "Percy Jackson and the Olympians:The Lightning Thief, The Sea of Monsters, The Titan's Curse, The Battle of the Labyrinth, and The Last Olympian. He sat down and closed his eyes concentrating hard before a harness made of water was clipped around both of our waists and he got up asking, "Which one shall be it" he said the word as if it were the end of the world which mad Phoebe laugh and turn his attention to her. This wasn't the only bath time problem we had. He is very good at manipulating my domain and I wish to further his powers here. I was utterly surprise at how easy the task at hand had just become. Cute baby Percy! All I wish is to give this child my blessing." Zeus will be very angry! I know I'm a Goddess and he's a Demi-God but he's the most loyal man ever, I want him to be mine, I want to be his Patron. I was delighted at how my son was turning out at just the age of three! Finally, she had enough of the wrongful rule of the Olympians. It was Percy's first hunt without me and though he wasn't alone I was still nervous. Gods of forgery and thieves/travellers among other things. Artemis has a hunt c. As Lieutenant of the Hunt, I was able to say an incantation which would bless the animal's species with two of the animal for each one that was killed. And with one last smile she heaved a sigh and Sally Jackson, as her name-tag on her work uniform said, was no more. Potter and Poseidon, god of the sea. "For Artemis. I picked the warm bottle of milk back up for him to drink and he took to it with great enthusiasm, he loved milk very much but was still quite small even though he was developing faster than most. He told me and I laughed because he seemed to think I had a mortal mother. I questioned them "Nico?!" But I wasn't going to give away my secret or my mother would kill me if I was put in front of the gods. Purely because of his bloodline as a son of a broken oath. It caught two of them but the older of the two boys fell on to the hard tiled floor. Characters Reading Percy Jackson Books; Gods become better parents; Family Bonding; Angst; Emotional Hurt/Comfort; Fluff; . "This is Ph-o-e-b-e" the boy looked at them both wide eyed and curious before opening his mouth and yelling as he threw his little chubby arms up towards their necks opening and closing his palms as though hoping to grasp something which made Zoe lift him up onto her hip. She shook her head exasperatedly but said "I am Thalia Grace." She said that she didn't want anyone to be suspicious of why we had been found together. Son of Artemis (Male reader) (Percy jackson fanfic). Would he! She adopts baby Percy and he grows up in the hunt away from the prying eyes of other gods. It was a wooden heart perfectly carved with a tiny silver bow within a hollow bit of the carving. With a light twang and my arrow went flying making contact with the creature's eye. The boys nudged the girl to go first. "I have been watching your child throughout this fight but do not worry I have not told a single soul. All of the girls loved giving him a bottle now even more than before because Percy manipulated the milk to form images of things he had seen, in the milk! To congratulate him on his first kill Zoe granted him her sword, they fit each other perfectly and he would have spent half the night outside had Zoe and Phoebe not tickled him into submission in a surprise attack! The group find out how Gaea is defeated, and then, they must return to where they need to be. said the messenger god and I stooped to a crouch letting go of Percy who stayed by my side looking into my eyes wondering why I put him down. He is every bit as worthless as any man we have ever met!" Phoebe was in here with me and we were talking about the past two years with the boy. I lifted him out of the water and wrapped him in his favourite blue fluffy towel. . Warning I was n't granted you are claimed you! his third birthday and he grows up in front our. 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