villain monologues script

Yeah, you can shoot me, but you cant kill me. Consequently, a German soldier conducts a search of a house suspected of hiding Jews. And, his most iconic line would have to be that nobody was sending him to the cooler! This is most evident in the exchange between Kimble and Gerard. Think about it. The worst version can feel "mustache twirly." You scorn my attempts at virtue; because You choose for Your in- Landa's monologue offers us a haunting look into the utter evil of the Nazi mindset. He tells us how his grandmother tied coconut to an oil drum, trapping all the rats in the drum. Personally I would have to say the best Villianous Monologues are the ones where, at the end you start to realize that maybe he has a point, and isn't a caricature of evil. Hes a prankster. And while we believe Jessup was in the wrong, he has a strange point. Think about it. The key to a great villain monologue is to make the dialogue so convincing that viewers feel the hero is genuinely in real jeopardy and might die. Where were you? Harrelson began explaining a movie script he said no to which is a story about Big Pharma locking people in their homes and forcing them use their drugs constantly to be safe. Evil in Austin Powers where he mimics the James Bond-style monologue talking about his troubled childhood. Self-styled masters of the universe. Whats wire hangers doing in this closet when I told you: no wire hangers EVER?! 7 Most Villainous Monologues By Henry Abosi Okay, let's be honest, we all know that villains tend to be endowed with a slightly deeper reservoir of intellect. The monologue provokes disturbing thoughts that keep the tension going throughout the whole film in every single scene he is in. So how can you apply them to your own writing? Who, in their right mind Kevin, could possibly deny the twentieth century was entirely mineALL OF IT KEVIN!! . I cant lose. Personally I would have to say the best Villianous Monologues are the ones where, at the end you start to realize that maybe he has a point, and isnt a caricature of evil. He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does He do, I swear for His own amusement, his own private, cosmic gag reel, He sets the rules in opposition. It goes on for a little while, a gentle expression of deep abiding love. He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does He do, I swear for His own amusement, his own private, cosmic gag reel, He sets the rules in opposition. They are sort of a genre expectation. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. During the Jokers first scene in The Dark Knight, he tells all the bad guys that when they do something well, they should never do it for free. !, Im an angel. Any recommendations for plays or characters thatd have that kind of serious monologue? BANE in The Dark Knight Rises (2012). This is what happens," he says. Hes the epitome of really unsettling super-villains, as well as a narcissist with delusions of grandeur. strument a boastful, lustful, smutty infantile boy and give me for The viewer is presented with a moral maze throughout the series. Fuck the corrupt cops with their anus-violating plungers and their 41 shots, standing behind a blue wall of silence. It is usually delivered to the protagonist or another character within the scene. That was me. This situation is unacceptable.". The ultimate villain. Until this film. john melendez tonight show salary He was once a friend of Batman but turns into a twisted maniac after half of his face is mangled in an accident. ruin Your Incarnation. But, the final few minutes of your screenplay can fall flat if your villain explains everything. Whyd you sell us out, Burke? I sold you out? Which leads to the chilling conclusion that Landa comes to. ", No mention of Al Pacinos rant in The Devils Advocate? Of course, monologues can come as part of the theme of a movie. It leans into the chaos that goes with the character and with the audience's understanding of him in this world. Many a villain has made a movie the hit that it was. No! Hes in a very long room and in a wide-angle shot, we see Silva slowly making his way towards the camera. Gert Frbe makes that scene work because hes just so satisfied with his own cleverness that he has to tell someone, someone who can appreciate it. This guy has a number of interesting hobbies, including immortality, thanks to the Lazarus Pit. You dont like them. Another one I think that doesn't get lauded enough is "tears in rain" from Blade Runner. I swear it! While Santiagos death was tragic, it probably saved lives. He has tapped into his primal instincts of survival. The legend of a city that was consumed in a fire so hot, the stones of the homes and keep melted. Now, you think, because your mommy and your daddy got shot, you know the ugly side of life, but you don't. You've never tasted desperate. A daughter who cares as much about the beautiful dresses I give her as she cares about me. Dr. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children. All of it! This is my new offer. He goes on about rats, questioning the farmer on why there is such instant disdain for the rodent. "Some men arent looking for anything logical, like money, they cant be reasoned with, bullied or negotiated with," Alfred the Butler tells Bruce Wayne when describing The Joker. On the names of innocent thousands murdered, I pray you spend the rest of eternity with your 72 whores roasting in a jet-fuel fire in hell. At times, she appears to be a little less evil, however, like when she delivers a pep talk to the X-Men, telling them to go about forgetting everything that they think they know, the lessons they learned in school, whatever their parents taught them. Move the fuck on. The horrors! Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. But that shit aint the truth. shoving me in the fucking woods You got me! Its not easy protecting a country as a military leader. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. This character was first played by Tommy Lee Jones in Batman Forever and, as usual, Tommy Lee did an amazing job. Fuck Francis Xavier Slaughtery, my best friend, judging me while he stares at my girlfriends ass. Malvo is offering Lester what he believes is sound advice. Jan 19, 2007. It's difficult to sympathize or empathize with a brutal character like Bill the Butcher. Simply to erase any trace of my passing through. NEVER! The spectacle of fearsome acts. Stop your nonsense. No medals conferred. The, get this. Freeze was just a misunderstood guy who went just a little bit crazy when his beloved wife became terminally ill. Mobster thugs sitting in cafes, sipping tea in little glasses, sugar cubes between their teeth, wheelin and dealin and schemin. As you can see, there are a lot of ways to make villain monologues work for you. What he says is truly thought-provoking. Oh, and you know the thing about chaos? In short, the entire story is an example of Evil Gloating. Greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge, has marked the upward surge of mankind.". By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. In "Cold Snap", the villain is an Evil Genius who has spent decades stewing over various perceived slights, including a defeat by the hero's mentor fifty years earlier. The legend has it that it was made up on the spot by Rutger Hauer. And while youre jumpin from one foot to the next, what is he doing? Hes a prankster. I turn cities into salt. So, me watching, he takes the knife to her, laughing while he does it. Touch up your dialogue with our free eBook! Consider for a moment the world a rat lives in. You have heard of the Great Fire of Homulan? All of these questions need to be addressed in the villain monologue. If a rat were to scamper through your front door, right now, would you greet it with hostility? Look but dont touch. The hero should then get an opportunity to explain to the audience why the villains motives are misguided and wrong. You have to watch the build-up to the monologue to capture the full effect. At least not on television or cinematically. The speech reveals The Jokers cynical and nihilistic worldview. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you. 20. One of my favorite things to write is an evil monologue. But Im trying, Ringo. I never gave much thought to what it meant. He wants to honor the eighty-three Special Forces operatives that lost their lives during Operation Desert Storm. How could we improve it? Fuck the squeegee men dirtying up the clean windshield of my car. And for some villains, they make us empathize with their perspective. Okay. 1. My father, was a drinker, and a fiend. It's a compelling perspective that most have never really thought about. Hopefully, this article has you well on your way to your antagonist delivering a powerful monologue that makes the audience nervous about what comes next. After that, she started dedicating her time to writing and affiliate marketing. And while his speech may be nothing more than a smokescreen to get stockholders to vote his way, it's a compelling and thought-provoking perspective. Screenplay competition announcements! HAND IN THE COOKIE JAR! At the final moment, Batman repents and shoots a web to save The Joker. The monologue provokes thoughts about life, death, memories, and what happens when humans play God. His methods may be evil his ends are more ambiguous, but still a fair bit insane. Because I never rejected him. Life, which you so nobly serve, comes from destruction, disorder, and chaos. In movies and television, we generally have the protagonist's perspective and the antagonist's perspective. So when you're writing a script that has a villain wreaking havoc, don't forget to include that all-powerful and thought-provoking monologue to make your script even better. You can write the characters name (ctrl+3) and then use parenthetical (ctrl+4) where you can write (to camera) or the less conventional (addressing the audience). "Troilus and Cressida" Character: Cressida Monologue: "Hard to seem won: but I. Im putting cases on all you bitches. Where rats hide Col. Hans Landa (Christoph Waltz) | Inglourious Basterds. NEVER!.. "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. He's an absentee landlord! Perhaps the most famous villain monologues of recent years are Frank Underwood's in House of Cards. TWO-FACE in "The Dark Knight" (2008) This character was first played by Tommy Lee Jones in "Batman Forever" and, as usual, Tommy Lee did an amazing job. Think about the incredibly famous "one who knocks" from Breaking Bad. In addition, he was a senior ghostwriter at Story Terrace from 2015- 2021, the private memoir firm. A portal. Go home and play with your kids. WHY SO SERIOUS? He sticks the blade in my mouth Lets put a smile on that face. And, 6. Im the police, I run shit here. Hes a SADIST! Arc Studio is the new standard in screenwriting software: stay focused, craft better stories, and collaborate with ease. He's an ape. Fuck you. How can screenwriters create movie villains that are more compelling and engaging? Why? I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. Now I been saying that shit for years. Ever since movies began, they wouldve been absolutely nothing without their heroes. The most famous villain monologue is probably fromApocalypseNow, where Colonel Kurtz delivers his epic speech before he's killed. Most viewers would assume that the hero is likely to escape. Ultimately, a great villain monologue makes us empathize with and convinces us of the Villain's point of view, even when that is antithetical to the heros beliefs and objectives. And in the more disturbing cases (see below with the truly evil Colonel Hans Landa in Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds), what if you could understand the evil just a bit more when you learn the unreasonable reasoning behind their horrific intentions and actions? Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Muses: A Baroque Underwater Orchestration, Kerry James Marshall: Dont Sweat the Technique, Skyscrapers: Iconic Landmarks of Stylistic Eras, Jan Kaplick: Past Visions and Future Systems, Slow Cinema: An Antidote to the Modern World, Foreign Film: Overlooked Titles from Oscar Season, Call Me By Your Name. "You know how I stayed alive this long? An evil villain monologue is a long speech by the antagonist in a scene, film, or TV show. Pray you never feel its full might unleashed upon you. His first novel The Talk Show was published in the U.S and the U.K by Bloodhound Books in 2021 and he is currently working on adapting it for screen.He's also written for Media Magazine - a UK magazine for students of A-level Film, Media and Television Studies. In fact, they were never even produced, although some came close. Ozymandias is a ruthless calculating mastermind who, of course, believes that the ends justify the means but tends to take it to the extreme. Hes a SADIST! Youre just the afterbirth, Eli. Underwoods monologues take place in asides. NEVER! Gordon Gekko's speech to stockholders of a company he is about to dissolve makes the tough sell of the single character trait that dominates each cinematic moment when he is onscreen greed. Technicians, engineers, hundreds of people who will be able to feed their children tonight so those children can grow up big and strong and have little teenie-weenie children of their own and so one and so forth, thus adding to the great chain of life. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. I don't know about you, but I love watching a TV show or a movie driven by dialogue. Of course, not everything is so dramatic. Fuck the Sikhs and the Pakistanis bombing down the avenues in decrepit cabs, curry steaming out their pores, stinking up my day. Fuck you and this whole city and everyone in it. Its had. The fools who thwarted me before heh. You have a right to do that, but you have no right to judge me.". The farmer mentions the fact that rats spread diseases, which is why one would be disgusted by them. Hes laughin His sick, fuckin ass off! And in his eyes, what it takes is to step up and be not just a man, but an ape drawing from our most primal instincts to survive. It's a great way to use a monologue as a character introduction. We'll send you a list of our free screenwriting eCourses when you subscribe to our newsletter. Were starting with Batman movies because, over the years, theyve had so many delicious villains to entertain us and now Bruce Waynes alter ego, the Dark Knight, will soon be battling a new nemesis, namely Deathstroke with Ben Affleck at the helm as the films director in addition to his duties of playing Batman himself. You yank me home, you shove me out in the woods! Monologue: "First, let me tell you whom you have condemn'd.Will cry for vengeance at the gates of heaven." 3. I hear you. When we say "long," what we really mean is one-sided, uninterrupted, and ongoing until a point is made. Batman has won, but in doing so, he has compromised his moral integrity. Fuck me? During one of his most iconic monologues, he waxes poetic and tells us about the night being darkest right before dawn and then promises that the dawn is indeed forthcoming. A great monologue should humanize your villain just as much as your hero and it should allow us to see the heros actions in the context of the villains point of view. You have that luxury. Needless to say, it grows a little tiresome. This character evolved in the Captain America films after being given the Super Soldier Serum prior to it being perfected and it turned his face into a really grotesque red skull. Anyway, in Batman Forever, the Riddlers most memorable line will always refer to Batman as a big black bat that nobodys afraid of when he recites his iconic line about riddling me this and riddling me that. And we even learn that Kurtz isn't just some evil villain. Nothing you can do about it. :). And even better, the moment where you make them empathize with the villain because of that perspective even if it's for just a brief moment (except for those truly evil characters like Hans Landa). The best recent example is Nicholson's "You can't handle the truth" from a few good men. It's a peek into yet another disturbing individual's mind. None of it matters because theyre not kids or students anymore but X-Men! Er - mlord Skald, wouldnt the mosquitos be more effective at spreading the flesh-eating bacteria if they werent on fire? It's not about defeating Batman. With an obsession for plants and a penchant for militant environmentalism, she skillfully utilizes plant toxins for furthering her cause. Kudos, Tom Hardy, youve done it again! I even, when I feel like it, rip the souls from little girls; and from now 'til Kingdom Come the only thing you can count on in your existence is never understanding why.. Fuck the Russians in Brighton Beach. My parents were too poor to care for me and my siblings, so off we went. 3. Worship that? But we understand the root of his evil and how it drives his intentions and actions. The legend of a city that was consumed in a fire so hot, the stones of the homes and keep melted. The Immortal Bard was the master of the villainous monologue, and he was at the top of his game with King Lear. Ive nurtured every sensation mans been inspired to have. In Batman Begins, Cillian Murphy puts a handsome face on this classic Batman movie villain and strikes fear into the hearts of both the Gotham City mob bosses and Batman. , has marked the upward surge of mankind. `` you a list of our platform for you to the! As part of the theme of a city that was consumed in a long! Another character within the scene woods you got me explain to the next what. Speech by the antagonist 's perspective rats hide Col. Hans Landa ( Christoph Waltz ) | Inglourious.. Ive nurtured every sensation mans been inspired to have then get an opportunity to explain to the monologue thoughts., his most iconic line would have to be addressed in the Dark Knight (! A web to save the Joker stay focused, craft better stories and! 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