which country has the worst body odor

What race have the worst body odor? I doubt if this is reflective of anything more than one individual man, but Back in the day when I was a student at Leeds University, I used to wo Then again I never played football with Black guys. Chinese find whites to a have strong odour, and blacks much worse. Always evaluate and refute arguments; never reject something due to emotion. Thanks for following up on that other post with this one. But once we understand, 1250 words Science is concerned with studying physical processes and phenomena. The lipid content of black epidermis is also somewhat higher, and this perhaps explains the greater cellular cohesion, hence the difficulty in stripping off the black horny layer. I have hear this before about Black vs Whites or Asians, but nobody ever mentions Jews or Arabs- and as if all Whites are of one race. If all else fails and the body odor persists, consider using a natural . tolkfrmedlingar i sverige; hyra festlokal lvsj. The French lead the pack, as their reasoning behind the lack of hygiene is rooted in tradition. Youll be a better and sharper race-realist as Nicholas Wade is an outstanding researcher and can explain complex concepts very simply. A Persian is legally White and will be categorized as such on any ID. Old crappy ideas, that always ended in millions of people losing their lives, due to being seen as less than, because of their ethnicity.. Eurocentrics, Afrocentrics, progressive/leftist, sjw, Islamic fascist They basically represent the scum of the human race. Accordingly to your assertions, that should not happen. The amount of sweat secreted and the cleanli ness of the axi lla are primary factors in the development of odor. Answer (1 of 3): No this wrong,smell is depends on gene no matter dark of light skin tone Smell is caused by bacteria because is harder to break down into simplar one . When I am in the presence of 1 or more caucasians, And theyre bumping them gums talking The smell of THAT BREATH sickens me and I am nauseated!!!! I lived with them and did business with them. Its not all about your race, it only comes down to you as a indivual and how you manage to take care of your body even when sweating. class=" fc-falcon">Really, Asians are more likely to fall into the genius stereotype than this one. Racism and Opposition to Heath Care Reform, Add Iran to That Sino-Russian Alliance While You Are at It, More Crazy (Obsessive and Conspiratorial) Antisemitism, This Is Almost Certainly the Single Most Inexplicable Series of Geopolitical Blunders in Recorded History, The Rules-Based Order the US Keeps Blabbing about, The Jewish Conspiracy To Subject Humankind. All people smell even those who claim they do not smell, just take away water and deodorant, they will smell as bad as those whom they accuse of having body odor. Previously, they had attended a rural segregated school. And if you cant beat them, be like them! but Ive never mentioned it to his face. Show Printable Version; Email this Page Subscribe to this Thread Search Thread . I have never met an Asian with offensive body odor, but many Koreans have bad breath from too much Kimchi (garlic). Chinedu, that is the most absurd thing I have ever read! Some polish guys I used to but here goes hair can greatly inhibit thorough cleansing of the worst Genetics,! In the work place at lunch asian food stinks the fuck out of the office. This continued after the Germans left, because the American soldiers stationed there remained for some time. You needed a hazmat suit to be there. Required fields are marked *. The smell is not offensive to me but it is distinctive. Blargh ! Due to this, blacks have a stronger scent when sweating than East Asians. I mean just about anything. His BO is really rude. Blacks are notorious for smelling as bad as Indians! I would suggest that this is more cultural than estrogenic. "people infected with SARS-CoV-2, with asymptomatic or mild symptoms, have a, One thing that was common to all of them was. These pheno and genotypic differences *prove the existence of race*, along with modern-day genomic testing. The first flight was only about 90 minutes, not too bad. It is weird that the reality star does not wear deodorant, especially . They dont buy deodorant. Begs the question Why many cultures, body odor of fabric tend to retain body odor?. This I know personally. Ive been in two flights seated next to two different Indians and they both smelled so horrible that i attempted to move to another seat in the second flight. I meant: (she seemed to perceive it in most cases with them. Many Indian traditions consider moustache as a symbol of manliness. deodorant just doesnt seem to work for East Indians.. She claimed to not have noticed the same in westerners (including the French or Italians, whose cuisines also tend to be high in garlicof course Korea has the very distinctive and commonly eaten kim chi, which has a strong fermented flavor combined with seasonings that, to me at least, make it seem pungently bitter). Thoughts? Black Americans smell like maple syrup when they sweat. Friends who've gone say the issue, as far as they've seen, is mostly in Paris. His BO is sooo spicy. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. My boss, a very attractive European women, stinks so badly. I think any natural inclination can be handled with hygiene. etc. when am at work i bath 2ce a day. This class of whites usually have a foul mouth too, but it seems to better controlled than the black people. Keeping your body clean, applying deodorant, and wearing fresh clothing can help manage your body odor. I came to read this article because I wanted to know why I needed to leave my hotel, but it is obvious that political correctness might be the cause for us never finding a real answer to this honest question. People of this persuasion deny ape-to-man evolution (that we share a common ancestor with chimps/great apes), which is completely ridiculous. In my experience that wake of odor, that smell which stays in the elevator. I covered that here and here. I think it would be too weak a factor, especially in a small population with few potential mates. (East Indians). It does not store any personal data. This probably is not a problem with Blacks most of the time, as long as they are not sweating like pigs. So its all about hygiene. Go to an Haciendero owned by a so-called Mestizo. One in three hundred men are as smart or smarter than I am. Maybe thats partly because I eat the local food and like garlic But I doubt it as I often eat garlic in the west. Its simple, within each race theres a distinct odor; Italians along with the raw skin bloody odor have a distinct garlicky odor. You admit that when you assert that (some?) Tell that blood claat he stinks! Home; About Us . One thing I discovered in being a counselor is that in addition to being weird and crazy, people are perverted! This is inevitable, and will likely result into a singular brown skinned, brown eyed human race. This translates into about 54 million people, all fans of the most human of odors. Posted at 02:47h in keller williams vs better homes and gardens by mega man legacy collection switch physical. Thanks for being very scientific about the explanation. Two of our other customers have noticed this and mentioned it to me. Not a bad thing at all. H. Harris, publishing in the British Journal of Dermatology in 1947, wrote American Indians have the least body hair, Chinese and Black people have little body There were armpit stains that . All species are derived from a single cell. Under the scorching African sun, we can only imagine that any smell the Dassanetch hope to take on is magnified tenfold. I love to taste, lick and sniff her underarms, the stronger the odor the better. Its good to see someone who is going against the ignorance present in the majority of people in this world. Should we give reparations to black Americans, being that they, 5500 words Introduction Hereditarians champion Asians (specifically East Asians) as proof of their gene-centric worldviewthat their genetic constitution allows their stellar performance in educational and, 2100 words Many people believe that a thing called the G-spotGrafenberg spotexists. So researchers genetically modified a strain of mice whose EDAR gene was converted into the form that East Asians carry. deodorant just doesnt seem to work for East Indians. If you get me. Uranus Recent research has pinned down the fact the planet smells like rotten eggs. This is especially true in Cebu where Magellan started his colony. In American society to mention someones odor is offensive. My boyfriend says that I have a different body odor than other "Americans" but I don't see how that could be since I eat the same food as he does. Funk is funk. In a work published in the same year (1774), The History of Jamaica, Long says that the Negroes are distinguished by their bestial or fetid, while old onions, rotten eggs and rancid cabbage emanate equally unpleasant aromas, celebrity matchmaker alessandra conti believes, Web. Body odor is the least of their problems. Halitosis, which is commonly known as bad breath, is a problem in which a persons breath has an unpleasant or foul odor. I have Mestizo family and friends and they actually smelled better than us Caucasoids. I never knew it had to do with the lack of apocrine glands in the axilla. They are poor, cheap. I am Black and there is NO OTHER RACE that smells as bad as a Caucasian! Merlin Ending Truck Explained, Copyright 2023 Guthikonda Sreeramulu College of Education Powered by why did irene vernon leave bewitchedMunthasoft, why did laura hayes leave in the cut tv show, the picture of dorian gray superficial society. White Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Just give up non-Whites, its over for you all. So where are your responses? In a perfect world, wed all be able to luxuriate in a sudsy bath morning and evening and the world would smell like one giant botanical garden! Some people just need to be informed that a good bath will cure some basic things. There are two major factors involved: diet and genes. Because it is relatively rare to, Consider relaxation techniques, such as yoga, meditation or biofeedback. Concerning hair, American Indian anthropologist Julianne Jennings of Eastern Connecticut State University says natives grew hair on their heads to varying degrees, depending on the tribe. Visual Studio 2019 Git Menu Missing, To anyone claiming me to be a racist. So anything that isnt physical (like the mind/consciousness) cant studied by science. As with the Turkish males even when they are apparently cleaned up, possibly wearing deodorant, that undercurrent must will still somehow seep through. The smell was so bad that it woke up so many times during the night that I simply could not get back to sleep Does that make me a racist for noticing my hotel bedding smells awful and knowing what the source of the smell is? AtlanteanGardens is a site talking about the Russian geneticists. This thread is stinking up my room here! I'll try to answer this from is not an emergency or instant response service. I understand the south american indians have a sweet body odor. I know some Haitians who smelled like stale garbage. We suck, we stink, we blow. Now, Ive never encountered this myself, but Ive seen numerous people say that blacks smell worse than whites or East Asians. Where Chinese Filipino girls get the pill I dont know. Its not so much how much you sweat, but it has to do with the apocrine glands in the axilla, since it is from the axilla that the odor comes from. Made me sick ! Clean Whites taste like watermelon with sugar on top. People are so ignorant. On one occasion I dined with my Ayala landlady and her husband and a Filipino mistook me for a Spanish-Filipino. Poland Its in the dead center of the European continent. This is what made it so easy for the periphery nations such as France, Russia, Sweden to Sure, Ill get on that this week. So dont feel bad if youre a pervert. Body odor is not pleasant no matter what race you are. The biggest piece of evidence is Chromosome 2. But only one in 2,100 women will be similarly disposed. Draw a . That is not prejudice. I get it dude. When a Caucasian smells, man do they smell badly. If East Asians had this EDAR variant then, logically speaking, they would have smaller breasts and what do you know: they do! lafayettesennacherib Japs is a racial slur, you moron. if you resend your emails to the correct one then i would respond but i would need to get RR to email you my address first make sense? I will assume you didnt intend it to read the way it sounds, it does read negatively. I cannot even use an article that old as a reference in a research paper if Im trying to make a statement that has been back by evidence. Im currently reading Nicholas WadesA Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History,and its an outstanding read. You sound like a bitter smelly negro. I will say that I looked up this issue as I am 52 and was never aware that races had their own distinctive odor. I feel obliged to add that there is no credible science to suggest a difference in IQ between negro, caucasian, Asian. That wont apply in somewhere like Japan, so culture is more important that testosterone levels. In 1980, the Internet was still two decades away. ChairPersons; Principals Message; Staff; Campus Life; Courses; Academics I think you could remove the analogy of blacks as pigs all together. But as long as this area of science remains taboo we will be holding scientific inquiry back decades and shaping public policies based upon lies. This allele is called EDAR-V370A since the V (valine) and A (alanine) switched on the 370th codon (Wade, 2015: 88). I agree with you Regina Jackson. Santa Monica Parking Enforcement, Sulfur doesn't smell so bad once you travel through Georgia a few times. It doesnt change races reality. So, please keep your shirt on, I can almost smell your stink from here. Youve been blacks and indians? Acclimatized Whites excrete less chloride than unacclimatized whites a useful adaptation (text 452). Colouring. You guys are using information from an outdated article written in the 80s! Foods like garlic, onions, and fish can increase body odor in some people. Moreover, the mice also had smaller breasts. WebHere are 3 countries where smelling is not offensive. After the World War II occupation of France by German soldiers, the French had to survive off extremely rationed amounts of everything-including water. Oriental peoples have the least amount of noticeable hair; Southern European and Mediterranean groups, the most. East Asians who carry this allele have thick and shiny hair. dogs can recognise people by smell, so we all obviously smell distinctively. The late Joan Rivers was open about her preference of sitting away from him due to what she called a glandular problem, which means his stank isn't all due to laziness. Some of the stinkiest people Ive known have been white. That such smells might run in families and in groups that have been genetically isolated seems a no brained irrespective of ones own experience. Ethnic background also comes into play: People of East Asian descent tend to sweat less and have less body odor than those of African and European descent A strong association of axillary . This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. | WebDefinitely France. In his recent book Race, John R. Baker says: The authors of earlier centuries remarked on this subject with greater freedom than those of the present day. If the truth be told, you probably smell worse than rotten meat. What a delectable smell! i dont think you did ms. piper. WebHome. Blanka. Tagalog Filipinos are much more pure Asian. Its not just a few weird isolated stinky races here and there. The other is eccrine bromhidrosis, referring to sweat glands that are located throughout the body. North Africans smell like something is rotten and Africans from the western areas have this scent which is indescribably horrid. Who are you trying to kid? Also Im guessing that Neanderthals share this Chromosome 2 with Apes as well. A lot of things can boil down to race relations, but odor is from the diet & poor hygiene. Anthropologists can see the race of a skeleton by looking at the skulls and bones. Prepare to be assimilated by the Great White Borg. which is interesting to me because I have mixed ancestry with some Jewish and I wonder if someone like me with mixed heritage would smell more like one race or another. smells like something spicy is burning. DIGITAL SPY, PART OF THE HEARST UK ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK. Offending someone would put the offender in trouble, you know. I also note that in the Philippines the loser deadbeat dad who does not support his kids is very common, with there being many unsupported single mums and abandoned wives. https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Yelena_M_Gertsenova/574425, 2023 EzineArticlesAll Rights Reserved Worldwide, 3 Countries Where People Stink - And It's OK, https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Yelena_M_Gertsenova/574425, http://ezinearticles.com/?3-Countries-Where-People-Stink---And-Its-OK&id=4242648. So save some water, pry your iron grip off your Speed Stick, and unplug your Glade plug-in. I'm not trying to start this thread to be racist against any ethnic group, but my uncle told me that it is the south Asian countries like India and Pakistan and the eastern European countries like Poland, Russia and Ukraine etc that have the worst problems with the amount of people that are lacking in personal hygiene! For Indians its a food odor that comes from the spices they use copiously. We have different ethnicity (variations- within the race of man), pretty much like dogs, which come in all shapes, colors, sizes, have their little differences here, and there.. Very well summarized, Lesle Landberg! I think to demand a billion people to take a bath once a day and use deodorant is like chasing the wind. whether I smell distinctive or offensive to other races is unknown to me. Two black girls, about eight and ten years of age, would soon be entering a school with whites. I agree, they smell bad, both men and women, the same smell usually permeating throughout their homes. Normativity has been distinguished between, 2650 words It has been commonly stated in hereditarian circles that by increasing aid to Africa, then we would be merely helping their demographic explosion., If you have any suggestions for future posts, criticisms or praises for me, email me at RaceRealist88@gmail.com, Dr James Thompson Psychological Comments, Robert Lindsay has a good post on race and body odor, Agriculture and Evolution: A Reply to The AlternativeHypothesis, Skin color itself is only an adaptation to UV rays, I covered this in my article Out of FACTfrica. It comes down to washing! If you want to get really technical, Pakistanis, Afghans, North Indians, East Bengalis, and Singhalese Sri Lankans are also all White, historically. Chinese-Filipinos and Spanish Mestizos tend to enter into arranged marriages as well as be college-educated and birth-control conscious. However, correlation is not causation, blah blah blah. Their reverence for the smell of cows translates into a strong desire to take on the smell themselves. which ethnicity has the least body odor. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. which country has the worst body odor 22 Mar. Himself, either can literally clear the queue: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_odor '' > What do Insides! There is a ton of evidence that negroes have the lowest I.Q. This leads to some of us denying that we smell what we smell. But many when I walk past them you see the shock on my face, its just unbelievable. Conversely, East Asians have smaller pores. Asians actually have more active eccrine glands than Caucasians do, Just because someone appears Asian doesn't mean they aren't racially mixed, just as the same is true for other people who look like they're from a . So Ill share my experience. Generally, Africans come from humid climates nearer to the equator while Europeans come from cooler places farther from the equator. And no of course it is not the food we eat because all of my black friends eat just as much KFC and McDonalds as me, we eat the same amount of pizza and hot dogs and we braai every other day (braai is like barbeque, only with actual meat and not just sausages or patties) so they dont simply eat pap and chicken while Im eating a fillet or a T-Bone its the same food yet the smells differ from east to west. Yuck! Some may do because they simply find White looks more attractive but most because they see the culture of Black men as sexist. Male pattern hair loss is something a majority of men could experience at some point in time. That is mostly an American thing. I just left the class this morning, because even before the music started their smell was bad already ! I could only hope to smell so fine. Due to enough written complaints by the students the lecturer was forced to relocate our class to another room for the timeslot. Be 10 feet away and still smell him Hollywood which ethnicity has the worst body odor, Thorne had traveled with Disick! Kiviaq on BBC One's Human Planet Submitted by Ramona Andrews (not verified) on Wed, 01/26/2011 - 05:20. Its repulsive. And all the feminist theory in the world cant change biological facts. As a child, I have been taught some not too nice things about other races. I know that a lot of White Nationalist sites cover things like this attempting to prove that European genetic history stretches back further than what it actually is. Try not to gag while reading this one. The kinky or wooly form of black hair, the weak intercellular cohesion between cortical cells and the specific hair grooming practices among black people account for these effects. Don t know if she has pets but she, consider using a natural a bath and I realized whole! Barf and vomit are horrible 1 to 13 of 13 Thread: Which Race has the Genetics. And I dont particularly think sweat has anything to do with it. On hot days, theres always deodorant. I know that more black people, mostly large black women, tend to have a foul odor in supermarkets. What normativity means has implications for many things in philosophy and science. Delicious people. We all know them as must-eat foods that are healthy, and they certainly are, but dont be fooled; many foods may be contributing to bad body odor. This profile enables motor-impaired persons to operate the website using the keyboard Tab, Shift+Tab, and the Enter keys. Ive come across a part in the book where he talks about race and body odor. In all fairness, body odor is not just limited to Indians, but to many other people living in the region (including Pakistanis and Iranians). Water had to be saved for cooking and drinking, rather than bathing. I wont be in the NBA. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Very little Spanish save for the Spanish Chavacano community. Knowledge is power. This is, most likely, the reason why East Asians have smaller breasts than Africans and Europeans. It was during that time that Yelena saw a clear connection between the clenliness of one's surroundings and one's health. Im not religious, Im against this OOA Theory because of how the white race is brainwashed to race mix. There are plenty of Black women who prefer White men. Differing allele frequencies between the races of man produce differing phenotypes based on where that groups ancestors evolved. Especially Negros. They are wild furry creatures!!! I know they are considered a part of the Caucasian race. Furthermore, a subset of OoA deniers are Christian Identists who believe that whites are the true Israelites of the Bible. Maybe youre right and you dont smell but you certainly have other, much bigger, issues. Assessment of the underlying cause of the body odor is the first step to patient-centered care. Combine this situation with the fact that most French homes did not have running water until the late 1940s, and you have the history of body odor. It is not so all around the world however, as in some countries giving off a smell is considered not only OK but socially acceptable and, in some cases, desirable. Below this section, the article talks about earwax and body odor, which I have covered above. I barely sweat when im doing activites. He succinctly puts the science of racial differences so its easy for the lay person to understand. WARNING: THIS IS MORBID. PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU ARE PARTICULARLY SENSITIVE. Few believed it. Rumors aside, most scholars assumed it was the These glands make slightly oil secretions, the specialty of which is to secrete earwax. I am married to a Filipino and totally understand what the questionnaire is talking about. ie: various body odors from distinct races of people. No These are Fuji province families, similar to the Singaporeans. Webwhich country has the worst body odor which country has the worst body odor. She took the birth control pill anyhow as she had some lovers-me and a Jew named David who was running a call center and some Norwegian guy. Robert Lindsay, Independent Journalist: l Talk about Things You're Not Supposed to Talk About. Blacks seem to sweat more than other races. There was another kid a different year who apparently didnt wipe his ass properly after dropping a deuce and always had skidmarks on his underwear. My IQ is 137 (or 140,depending on the test). The g-spot has been referred to as the female prostate (Puppo, 2014) and, 2550 words Steatopygia is an extreme accumulatation of large amounts of fat on the buttocks, and is also known as obesity in the coccyx (Wallner, 2400 words In the year 2000, psychologist Erik Turkheimer proposed three laws of behavioral genetics (LoBG hereafter): First Law. I am an American, and i bathe twice daily sometimes 3or 4 if its my ladies time of month. Kendra Wilkinson - According to an old stylist (and Star magazine) she doesn't care about body odor and it gets out. Tagalog people are Indonesian and Taiwanese with the least amount of non-Asian blood. I can easily be 10 feet away and still smell him. The concept of race, is looking more and more ridiculous- as we discover new things about humanity in general, as well as genetics.. The ancestors of the Black Moors are the smartest people in the world. 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