doctor fate nicknames

Fate/Extra CCC - Foxtail. The final issue was written by Beechen, Gail Simone, Mark Waid, and Mark Evanier, who each wrote a different ending to the story. We're experimenting with updating the wiki's look! (TV: The God Complex) The seventh, eleventh and twelfth incarnations displayed some medical knowledge, being able to help with minor injuries (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks, The Vampires of Venice) and tell if a person was vitamin deficient. The Doctor told very few people their original name, instead asking others to simply call them the Doctor. (TV: Journey's End). Kent Nelson was the first superhero in modern times to take on the name of Doctor Fate. The inside of the tower appears as a twisted maze of stairways and hallways in which the laws of physics do not apply. The child of the Babylonian god of war (implied to be. The Silence wanted to stop the Doctor from revealing his true name. By many accounts, the Doctor considered . (PROSE: The Dying Days) Miss Hawthorne referred to the Third Doctor as "the great wizard Qui Quae Quod"; those three words all mean "who" in Latin. This time Eric's mind did not mature. [5] After a year with no background, his alter ego and origins were shown in More Fun Comics #67 (May 1941). Alex vecht voor Denny's hart in het Mercy West Hospital, en biedt Dr. Hahn de kans om de operatie uit te voeren, aangezien Burke neergeschoten is. [70], With access to various magical artifacts, all incarnations of Doctor Fate (excluding Jared Stevens due to the nature of his powers & non-spell casting abilities) possess sufficient magical power that allows them to be considered among the most powerful magical users on Earth in the DC Universe, with the character being said to possess numerous magical abilities considered nearly unstoppable. [2][30], A psychiatrist and the grand-nephew of Kent Nelson, Kent V. Nelson would lose his status following his infidelity leading to a divorce, leading to depression and losing his license following negligent practices in the workplace. While they don't identify themselves on screen, their names (at least in the comics) are . [34], After the conclusion of the Convergence limited series in June 2015, DC launched a new Doctor Fate ongoing series, written by Paul Levitz and drawn by Sonny Liew as part of the DC You initiative, which saw an emphasis on "story over continuity", loosening the restrictions of continuity to allow for a diverse range of genres while some characters underwent status quo changes. (, Sawbones: A codename used to reference the Doctor for, The Great Destruction of the Universe: Called so by the, The Idiot Child: A name for the Doctor used by, The Vessel of The Final Darkness: Another title in reference to the Doctor by the, The Roaring Winds of Righteousness: A title coined by, The Shadow of the Valeyard: Among the names for the Doctor recorded by the, The Uniter of the Thirteen Worlds of the Hoomis Collective (, Vanquisher and Sworn Enemy of the Sontarans (, The first edition of the behind-the-scenes book. He appeared in Superman TAS, Young Justice, Justice League, Justice League Unlimited, and Batman: Brave and the Bold. Doctor's Rebirth. A powerful Lord of Chaos, Xanadoth once ruled her fellow Chaos Lords until they rebelled and sided with the Lords of Order to depose of her rule and erased records of her history. (PROSE: The Shadow in the Glass; AUDIO: Storm Warning), The Thirteenth Doctor once made use of a variant, "Jane Smith", while hiding her true identity from Martha Jones. (TV: The Day of the Doctor) When Clara was forced to take on his role for him, the Twelfth Doctor told her that "goodness has nothing to do with [being a Doctor]". Fate. He also makes a brief appearance in the. Doctor Strange was voiced by Daman Mills and Doctor Fate was voiced by Mike Varker. [1] The character's backstory was also revised twice, his original origin in the Fate comic title and the Book of Fate re-imagining his origin. (, Me with the ears: The Tenth Doctor called him this to address him directly. Both Linda and Eric can also act independently as Doctor Fate, although they possess only half of their power.[44]. Names, nicknames and username ideas for doctor fate. He would have a bond with his future partner, Linda Strauss, whom became his step-mother after Rebecca committed suicide on account of the abuse she received from Henry. Gerber also stated his intentions of not directly contradicting previous runs while raising the subject as little as possible. (TV: Twice Upon a Time), The Doctor kept their true name hidden despite numerous "mind-probe" attempts and the effect of a truth field. Some were fleeting, while others, like John Smith, were used by almost all of their incarnations, with some variations. : A Fate Worse Than Well Fate", "LEVITZ Channels DITKO For June's New, Unusual DR. The Chaos Lord revealing himself to have subtly influenced some events enough to cause the two to have strife against one another and enjoyed having the Lords of Chaos be a force of good, reasoning that even Chaos Lords did not find evil as favorable. In tandem with Nabu's artifacts, he gains potent spell-casting capabilities and magical powers, making him among the most powerful sorcerers of his time and the most powerful incarnation of Doctor Fate. [61] In his early depiction in the Justice Society of America title, he was a novice sorcerer capable of casting general spells. The character has appeared in various incarnations, with Doctor Fate being the name of several different individuals in the DC . The Umbrella Man: After he rewrote her history, He used the German variation "Johann Schmidt" while posing as a German spy. Eventually, it came into Nabu's possession to be granted to his chosen agent. (TV: The Wedding of River Song), The Doctor was at a later time forced to go to Trenzalore to rescue his friends from the Great Intelligence, which sought to gain access to the Doctor's tomb. All DC fans might know who Doctor Fate is. Born to wealthy parents Rebecca and Henry Strauss, Eric Strauss was selected as a future agent of order, growing up aware of the existence of the Lords of Order and having a level of mystical awareness although it gave rise to an abnormal personality. He first appears in More Fun Comics #55 in May . After sacrificing himself and being resurrected using the Physician's Cure, he rescued Calypso out of Ogygia. (PROSE: Alien Bodies), John Smith was an alias the Doctor frequently used on Earth and around humans when a "standard" name was needed, with the Eighth Doctor noting it was "the nom de guerre [he] seem[ed] to keep ending up with". As Doctor Fate, Inza's methods are more proactive although she becomes more reckless in their use, stemming a temporary separation from Kent. The tower acts as a nexus point of magic and reality on Earth. The helmet also contains a vast library of spells from which the user can draw. (PROSE: Falls the Shadow) According to the author of The Time Lord Letters, a historical document compiling writings by and concerning the Doctor, "Theta Sigma" was also their Academy Student Identification Code. [6] Stories during the Golden Age included his love interest, Inza, who was known variably throughout the Golden Age as Inza Cramer,[7] Inza Sanders,[8][9] and Inza Carmer.[10][11][12][13]. Nelson, deciding fighting threats with his magic wasn't doing enough good, became a real medical doctor to save more lives. [58], The latest incarnation of Doctor Fate prior to the New 52 reboot, the character debuted in the first issue of Countdown to Mystery in 2007 as an attempt to revitalize the character; unlike other Doctor Fates, the character lacks any connections to Nabu and either of the Lords of Order or Lords of Chaos, as the two factions were killed off in a previous storyline. Hector is stated to potentially be the most powerful incarnations of all incarnations of Doctor Fate before him. During his battles, he teams up with the supernaturally powered team of fugitives Scare Tactics, Etrigan the Demon and other forces to combat threats from the realm of Gemworld. The Amulet of Anubis (sometimes called the Amulet of Nabu or the Amulet of Thoth) is an amulet that was once bestowed to Anubis's most devout follower, being created by the death god himself. A master of dark and chaos magic, he aims to dominate all of existence under his rule with the power of the Lords of Order and Chaos. (TV: Rose) Upon reading the Tenth Doctor's mind, Reinette remarked that "Doctor Who" was "more than just a secret". [22] In 1991, later issues of the series saw Kent's wife Inza take over as the new Doctor Fate with a different benefactor unlike her husband, starting with the 25th issue of the series Inza's tenure as Doctor Fate differs from Nelson in her focus on social class issues and inequality, using her powers to improve one of the poorest districts in New York City while defending it from corruption and genuine malevolent evil forces. After Kent's death, Nabu chooses Eric Strauss and his stepmother Linda to be the next Doctor Fate and when Fate is needed, Eric and Linda merge into one being. Species: Helmet? [16] Doctor Fate also made a guest appearance in a 3-issue 1985 crossover in the pages of Infinity, Inc. #19-20 and Justice League #244. This means only 7 name generators are available for the Doctor Who universe, although the Dalek name generator is technically not entirely canon if you consider only 4 very specific Daleks were named. One is for the new Majles (parliament), and the second one for the Assembly of Experts, a Constitutional body that appoints the Supreme Leader. [43] Overtime, despite Eric's mind being similar to a child of ten years old, Linda developed romantic feelings for her step-son while Eric reciprocated such feelings. Later on when the adult superheroes and underage superheroes are separated, Zatanna, daughter of Zatara puts on the helmet but Nabu doesn't want to let go of her body so her father sacrifices himself and he becomes Doctor Fate. I have been reading Robert Harris' Cicero trilogy with great enjoyment. 1. Chapter 78 . Eric is killed on Apokalips during a battle with Desaad, forcing Linda to become Doctor Fate on her own. Like Doctor Strange with the Eye of Agamotto and the Cloak of Levitation, Doctor Fate has his own set of magical equipment to reinforce Nabu's hosts. (, Space Gandalf: When questioned by Amy as to what kind of person he's like, the Doctor answered that he was like a "Space Gandalf". The first and original incarnation of Doctor Fate, Kent Nelson was created by Gardener Fox and Howard Sherman during the Golden Age of Comics Books. Considered among the most powerful of all the Lords of Chaos; adversary of Doctor Fates and other characters and teams, including Amethyst, Arion, and Legion of Superheroes. (PROSE: Ghost of Christmas Past), The Sixth Doctor told his dance instructor, Becky, his name. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Revelation) or possibly, "Nice guy, if you're a biped". Tonight my intentions are to drink enough that I can forget how stressful my life seems to be right now. (, The Doctor of War: A name that arose as part of a saying used to describe him during the Time War that was recorded by the Testimony and used by, The name Doctor as "Dr John Smith" on a piece of, While imprisoned at Hesguard Institute, the Doctor wore a jumpsuit identifying him as "J. Smith". Eventually, the pair are resurrected into younger bodies and Inza becomes the sole Doctor Fate for a time, unable to merge with Nelson. A former doctor in Egypt, he immigrated to America from Egypt after marrying Elizabeth and worked as a cab driver, unable to be re-certification in the United States. One was the finding of a slate slab, unearthed in a cave at Chalky Inlet, Fouveaux Straits, b\- Dr. Sale/of Invercargill Mr McNab pointed out that Fouveaux Straits were a great re sort for whalers in the very early days of the colony and on the slate were found the names of Richard Jone and John Dawson, and the inscription: "Beware of natives; plenty at Preservation." In the 2020s, the character was given magical apprentices in the form of his sidekicks Stitch and Salem the Witch Girl. If you like a nickname, click the Heart icon (Love), this would add the nickname to a cart/basket. (TV: School Reunion, Smith and Jones) As "John Smith" was considered a generic name in some Earth cultures, the Doctor's use of the alias was occasionally treated with scepticism. The One:12 Collective Dr. When the Justice Society of America was created for All Star Comics #3 (Winter 1940), Doctor Fate was one of the characters National Comics used for the joint venture with All-American Publications. The character would eventually be reworked into the next incarnation of Doctor Fate in JSA #33 (October, 1999). Jared refuses and escapes, becoming a demon hunter using the alias "Fate". [40] He also possesses profound knowledge in the mystic arts, is a certified archaeologist & physician (the latter in some continuities), holding a doctorate degree in both.[41][42]. ), The First Doctor used the username "Dr_who" when bidding on the TARDIS, which he lost to Buchanan in a bet, on in 2006. (TV: A Girl's Best Friend, Invasion of the Bane) Clive Finch's website called him "Doctor Who". (PROSE: K9 and the Beasts of Vega, etc.) A member of the Salem Coven and one of Bolling's students; she was, along with the Bolling, the one whom first met Hector Hall in person shortly after moving to Salem as Doctor Fate and shares a close relationship with Kym. (, The Warrior: The moniker the Doctor chose to take in the, The Predator of the Daleks: A descriptive term for the Doctor used by the Daleks, (, The Deathbringer: A title bestowed upon the Doctor by the Daleks during the Time War. At the age of ten, Eric was chosen as Nabu's next agent of order to inherit the Doctor Fate mantle, substantially increasing the boy's age in a similar manner to what occurred with Nelson before. (, The Other: A title used by the Doctor to talk to a young, Proconsul: Alias used during his adventure at, Elias: An alias the Doctor used when introducing himself to, Doctor Schmidt: The name of an auditor from, Mr. (, Ancient Amateur: The Doctor described himself as such to, My Love: A term of affection River Song used for the Doctor. Height: 6' 2" Weight: 89kg. (PROSE: The Trial of Doctor Who) While wandering in the Doctor's TARDIS, Clara Oswald read a history of the Time War which apparently told her the Doctor's name, causing her to remark "So that's who." Chapter 174. (PROSE: Daleks Invade Zaos), Bessie's license plate during the Third Doctor's time at UNIT read WHO 1; (TV: Doctor Who and the Silurians) in the Doctor's seventh incarnation it read WHO 7, (TV: Battlefield) and WHO 8 in his eighth incarnation. [54] The Justice Society is reformed to protect the newly reborn Hector, who is being sought by Mordru so that he can use the boy's body to unlock the magical potential of Doctor Fate's artifacts for his own benefit. [59], The current incarnation of Doctor Fate, Khalid Nassour first appeared in June 2015, starring in a Doctor Fate solo series, created as another attempt to revitalize the character, this time using the Egyptian-related background of the character. In 1933, the year Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) became chancellor of Germany, he named Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945), his trusted friend and colleague, to the key [24] The Doctor Fate character went through a radical redesign, dropping the "Doctor" title and gaining new weapons made from the previous related artifacts of Doctor Fate. She is the goddess responsible for choosing Khalid as the next Doctor Fate due to his pharaoh bloodline. (TV: The Name of the Doctor et al.) [80] While seldomly used by Doctor Fate himself, the amulet also allows for the wearer to call upon the decease spirits, allowing him to commune with spirits[81] as well as houses its own universe separate from the main universe, allowing the wearer to hide their existence or to trap powerful entities within. Clint Barton (Hawkeye) and Oliver Queen (Green Arrow) are superheroes without superpowers who rely on prodigious archery skills and trick arrows in battle. Like her uncle, she is also a renowned archaeologist. (TV: The Doctor Falls) The Thirteenth Doctor said that a "bit of adrenaline, dash of outrage and a hint of panic" helped her to remember she was the Doctor. In addition, the character's powers is not tied to any known mythology, making the Doctor Fate character exclusively a mystic superhero. . The catch is that Doctor Fate was never more than a background character for DC before Doctor Strange was created. He made his last appearance in the book in issue #21 (Summer 1944), virtually simultaneously with the end of his own strip in More Fun Comics #98 (JulyAugust 1944). ), However, the Seventh Doctor would later claim that "Theta Sigma" was his "nickname at college" to the coincidentally-named Trevor Sigma. Other versions of the character differ, acting as solely supernatural-based heroes, affiliated with the Lords of Chaos, or demon hunters. He's a powerful enough mystic that he actually became Marvel's sorcerer supreme for a time. Kent returns to crime fighting when the Justice Society reforms, again using the helmet, sometime later he joins the Justice League (JLA). (COMIC: A Little Help from My Friends), By one account, "John Smith" was the name which the Meta-Crisis Tenth Doctor chose to go upon settling down with Rose Tyler. Magic Emperor . The cosmic opposite of the Lords of Order and ultimate rival to the Lords of Order and their empowered agents. Doctor Fate is a character seen in the DC Extended Universe's film Black Adam. DC fans saw the big screen debut of the superhero, Dr. Birth Year: Do they have a birth year as well. Submit your nickname or copy the best name style from the list. (AUDIO: Out of Time), The Doctor was referred to as "the Oncoming Storm" by the Draconians, (PROSE: Love and War) himself (PROSE: Vampire Science) and in "the ancient legends of the Dalek homeworld". In the, The father of Khalid Nassour. Leonidas "Leo" Valdez was born in Houston, Texas . When you are done selecting nicknames, click "Send my Nicknames,". Various mystical powers gained through the magical artifacts (Helmet of Fate, Amulet of Anubis, Cloak of Destiny); powers typically include spell-casting, illusion casting, astral projection, etc. Selecting Favorite Nicknames. Soon after, Kent and his wife Inza pass away from old age when the magic they use to stay young fails. However, he opted out of the second half and instead used Rose's last name, ending up with "John Tyler" instead. Doctor Fate then appeared in the four-part special America vs. the Justice Society (1985) which finalized the story of the Justice Society, featuring an elaboration of the events of Adventure Comics #466 and a recap of the Justice Society's annual team-ups with the Justice League. Doctor Fate (also known as Fate) is the name of multiple superheroes appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. In 1985, DC collected the Doctor Fate back-up stories from The Flash, a retelling of Doctor Fate's origin by Paul Levitz, Joe Staton, and Michael Nasser originally published in Secret Origins of Super-Heroes (January 1978) (DC Special Series #10 in the indicia), the Pasko/Simonson Doctor Fate story from 1st Issue Special #9, and a Doctor Fate tale from More Fun Comics #56 (June 1940), in a three-issue limited series titled The Immortal Doctor Fate. She is initially unaware of her son's duties as Doctor Fate but later suspects it due to her son's frequent disappearances and supports him. Despite that, he fell in love with the human, Dorothea. (TV: The Lodger) He later referred to the title when the Daleks forgot him. Throughout his long history in DC Comics, Doctor Fate proudly co-founded the Justice Society of America in the 1940s alongside names such as The Flash, Green Lantern, and Hawkman (who is also in . JOIN OUR TEAM! Jared's injuries force him to use the cloak as a wrap for his right arm and to melt the helmet into a set of ankh-shaped darts and a dagger for use as weapons. 3) #30 (August 2009), featuring in the book until its cancellation with #54 in August 2011. The early '40s adventures of Doctor Fate, in the pages of More Fun Comics. The Twelfth Doctor said she was just teasing Bill Potts, but he refused to answer if it was truly his name. By many accounts, the Doctor considered this title to be their real name. In addition, the Tower itself possess mystical defenses, including once having a protector in the form of Typhon, a Lord of Chaos who was an enemy of Doctor Fate and later protected the Tower from intruders. : The Doctor signed a document with a question mark during a visit to, John Rutherford: Using this pseudonym, the Doctor was elected as an independent member of, Merlin: The Doctor was recognised the people of, Norman Brown: Used, with a West Country accent, to hide his identity from, Jean Forgeron de Gallifrey: Used with the title of "Royal Observer from the court of Alexander". A young woman who became enamored with Shat-Ru's denouncement of humanity and his philosophy from his perspective as a Lord of Order, initially unaware of his true nature and developed feelings for Shat-Ru despite his apparent elderly age while being in Kent Nelson's body. The business is registered with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, with taxpayer number #32010644147, and permit start date on April 22, 1997. 5 5. A skilled psychic whom Nelson visits soon after donning the Helmet of Fate in an attempt to learn more about it, using her skills to serve others despite skeptics often not believing her. Please click here for more information. One Boer asked an English doctor if much sjamboking was necessary among us also, CroDJe haa on several occasions lately refused to carry out President Steyn's instructions, notably in the matter of the release of Major Burtchaell. [61] Overtime, his skills became advanced enough to be hailed with the "Sorcerer Supreme" title. However, many years later, Kent decided to return to action after a premonition . "The Dalek Fucker" early nickname for Peter Capaldi's Doctor based on role association with Malcolm Tucker. craigslist orlando cars for sale by owner. [28] The character was killed in the Day of Vengeance limited series in 2005 as part of the lead in to the 2005 company-wide event story, Infinite Crisis.[29]. Jericho studied voodoo, was bonded with his brother's spirit, and became Doctor Voodoo. I'm Doctor 925 I know Doctor 336. Their joint act as Doctor Fate is considered to be among the most powerful mystical beings on Earth although they lacked knowledge compared to their predecessor. Kent enlists in the army and becomes a paratrooper in WWII. [23] Following Zero Hour, DC killed off both Kent and Inza and replaced them with a new character, Jared Stevens. (TV: The Name of the Doctor), Missy claimed to know the Doctor's real name from their time together on Gallifrey. (, Posh Doctor: The Twelfth Doctor referred to this incarnation as such when fearing he would be "Scary Doctor". The Magician: Because of what he was told about the TARDIS, Old-Man White-Hair: A nickname given to the First Doctor by, Sawbones: A nickname first given to the Doctor by the pirate, The Traveller from Beyond Time: The epithet given to the Doctor by the, Gaius Iunius Faber: "Iunius Faber" being the Latin equivalent of John Smith. [56] When the Spectre goes on a quest to extinguish magic, he banishes Hector and his wife to a snowy mountain landscape for all eternity, which they are only able to 'escape' by entering the Dream realm, although this essentially kills their bodies and means they can never return to Earth. Nelson's ex-wife and mother of his daughter, Laryn. (TV: World Enough and Time). She would eventually become the fourth character to bear the Doctor Fate name and the second female character to become Doctor Fate. (AUDIO: Tales from the Vault), The Doctor twice changed himself into a human who used the name John Smith. These forms of Destiney were popular as birth names in the year 2000 (AVERAGE #768) and have become significantly less common since (#1652, 88%), with versions like Destiny falling out of fashion. In an alternate timeline in which Rassilon failed to finish the Eye of Harmony before his death, the Doctor never left Gallifrey and became a commentator rather than a renegade Time Lord. Scars/Birthmarks/Tattoos: None. Long ago, Kent Nelson donned an ancient helmet and became Doctor Fate, defender of order in a universe dominated by chaos. [66], Khalid possess natural magical abilities bolstered by the Helmet of Fate and other associated items, including the Staff of Power. (TV: The Fires of Pompeii), By one account, in his youth, the Doctor had outright removed his name from time, all but he and the Master forgetting his birth name. Born as the son of an archaeologist, Kent was an American of both Swedish and British descent who ventured with his father into a tomb in Mesopotamia, discovering the human body of Nabu but at the cost of his father's life. (TV: The Day of the Doctor) During his final day, the Twelfth Doctor stated being "the Doctor" was being kind, even if it meant pulling a self-sacrifice to bring others a small amount of extra time to live. In 2007, a new incarnation of Doctor Fate, Kent V. Nelson, was created by Steve Gerber and Justiniano and serves as an attempt to revitalize the Doctor Fate character. [76][71] The helm additionally possesses the power to trap entities within its separate world[77] and is both durable and capable of regenerating from damage. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Doomsday Weapon), The Fourth Doctor wrote a series of children's books during his time with UNIT which were mistakenly published under the name "Doctor Who": they were intended to be "The Doctor, Who Discovers Historical Mysteries", but the publishers, due to a miscommunication, presented it as "Doctor Who Discovers Historical Mysteries". He was known as Commentator Theta Sigma. He raised the boy into manhood and gave him a helmet, amulet, and cloak, which he hoped he would use to protect the good and vanquish evil. She is killed during The Curse's takeover of Salem. He used it as identification when renting the junkyard from its owner, He used it to check in at Ingersoll's tavern in, Doctor I. M. Foreman: The Doctor's application for, Benjamin Jackson: Used when he returned to the, Doctor Caligari: The Doctor used it when he arrived in, Snail / Wormhole: Given to him by his cousins of the. In the end, we found Dr. Meaning of the title is that he is the Devil of the space squid religion. The series ended with issue #41. (, The Caretaker: Called as such by both staff and students of, Nosferatu: Called so by corrupt cops working for, The Cat in the Hat: Referred to as such by, The Eyebrows: A nickname given to him by Missy to differentiate the twelfth incarnation from the other Doctors. With Chelsea Arielle Kibbee, Michael Kuhn, Tim Maloney, Dustin Poppeck. [39] Connected to the Future State crossover event depicting an older Khalid Nassour having lived through the aftermath of the events of the "Great Wickedness" storyline, the entity is revealed to be the Egyptian goddess, Hauhhet. Welcome to the NicknameDB entry on doctor fate nicknames! Whether you're looking to give cool nicknames or funny nicknames, there are a few things that should be considered, mainly: Personality: The nickname should suit the personality of the person it is being given to, unless the point of the nickname is to be funny and the complete opposite of the person's true personality, for example: Naming a quiet person "Screamer." (TV: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS), Even when put on trial by the Time Lords, they were only referred to as "the Doctor", (TV: The War Games) although the Valeyard, a culmination of the Doctor's darker side who prosecuted the second trial, acknowledged that this was an alias. Start by brainstorm what words could fit into a nickname. Individuals with knowledge of the Doctor's name. (TV: The Sound of Drums, The Beast Below, The Day of the Doctor), In other accounts, however, the Doctor's "true name" was the one which was hidden, a guarded secret the Doctor kept from almost everyone. The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate and his wife Inza Nelson appear in the, Doctor Fate's helmet made a brief appearance in the, The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate appears in, The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate appears in series set in the, The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate appears in the, Several incarnations of Doctor Fate appears in, While in possession of the Helmet of Fate, Team members, The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate appears in the opening credits of, An original incarnation of Doctor Fate named, A variation of Kent Nelson / Doctor Fate appears in, The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate appears as a, The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate appears as a character summon in, The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate appears as a playable character in, Doctor Fate appears as a support card in the iOS version of, The first Doctor Fate figure was released in 1985 as part of the second wave of Kenner's, Two Doctor Fate figures were released in April 2009 as part of the, This page was last edited on 4 March 2023, at 02:58.

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